“The Clanbeasts are the main warriors of the Beastfolk clans. Hulking brutes with more brawn than brains, they live to fight, feast and fight some more.
Clanbeasts take great delight in raiding defenseless settlements, and often compete with their kin for the best loot. If the defenders put up more of a fight than they were expecting, even better.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“The Clanbeasts are the main warriors of the Beastfolk clans. Hulking brutes with more brawn than brains, they live to fight, feast and fight some more.
Clanbeasts take great delight in raiding defenseless settlements, and often compete with their kin for the best loot. If the defenders put up more of a fight than they were expecting, even better.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“The Hedgewitches are Beastfolk who are particularly attuned to the whims of nature.Playing matriarchal roles within the clan, their knowledge of herbs and naturalmedicines are second to none. In the frontier towns and wilder places of ArcWorlde even some humans seek out the Hedgewitches for their expertise, which they are happy to share for the right amount of coin.
In times of war the Hedgewitches accompany the clan, keeping their beloved ruffianssafe. Their wild magic can turn the tide of a scrap, and they will use all the power at theirdisposal to help them on their raids.”
This pack contains:
1 x Beastfolk Hedgewitch
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"Although Beastfolk can be found in all corners of ArcWorlde, the majority of the clans of Mildaark have their homelands in the forests and deep valleys of the Scotstaine Lowlands. These fellows, who resemble amalgamations of various types of animals and men, shun civilised lands and instead choose to call the wild places their home.
Beastfolk clans are made up of many different species, both large and small, who band together in rambunctious packs. It isn’t uncommon for the more warlike clans to venture far and wide in pursuit of plunder, where they compete with each other to collect the most loot. They have a natural affinity with the wild beasts of ArcWorlde, who often follow them on their raids in the hopes of fresh meat."
Contained within this pack is everything you need to get started with the Beastfolk Faction for ArcWorlde: Second Edition.
This pack contains:
1 x Beastfolk Packmaster
1 x Beastfolk Clanbeast
2 x Beastfolk Vermen with Spears
1 x Beastfolk Verman with Ranged Weapon
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“The Vermen are the smaller members of the Beastfolk clan, who often resemblerodents, amphibians or other diminutive creatures. Although much weaker than theirburly Clanbeast brethren, their nimble fingers and quick minds are more than usefulwithin Beastfolk society.
In battle the Vermen scurry alongside the larger Clanbeasts, who are often dismissive oftheir presence. However, when commanded to Vermen fearlessly launch themselves attheir foes, much to the amusement of the larger Beastfolk.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“The Vermen are the smaller members of the Beastfolk clan, who often resemblerodents, amphibians or other diminutive creatures. Although much weaker than theirburly Clanbeast brethren, their nimble fingers and quick minds are more than usefulwithin Beastfolk society.
In battle the Vermen scurry alongside the larger Clanbeasts, who are often dismissive oftheir presence. However, when commanded to Vermen fearlessly launch themselves attheir foes, much to the amusement of the larger Beastfolk.”
This pack contains:
1 x Beastfolk Verman with Ranged Weapon 2
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“The Vermen are the smaller members of the Beastfolk clan, who often resemblerodents, amphibians or other diminutive creatures. Although much weaker than theirburly Clanbeast brethren, their nimble fingers and quick minds are more than usefulwithin Beastfolk society.
In battle the Vermen scurry alongside the larger Clanbeasts, who are often dismissive oftheir presence. However, when commanded to Vermen fearlessly launch themselves attheir foes, much to the amusement of the larger Beastfolk.”
This pack contains:
1 x Beastfolk Verman with Shield
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
“Music is extremely important to the Beastfolk. Much of their history is passed downthrough ballads and songs, and their wild parties are infamous throughout ArcWorlde.
There are those amongst the Beastfolk who pride themselves in the mastery of the weirdinstruments they use to play their music. Although their efforts sound like the sweetestmelodies to other Beastfolk, the cacophony of honking and baring can drive anyone elsemad.”
This pack contains:
1 x Beastfolk War Bard
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warploque's white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.