Welkom bij Een Kleine Wereld - Tabletop Fantasy

Kado ideetjes

28 producten

  • Wet Palette Wet Palette

    Wet Palette (1 palette/2 foam sponzen/50 vellen)

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    Wet Palette Een wet palette zorgt ervoor dat je het natuurlijk droogproces van verf behoorlijk uitstelt. Hierdoor kun je de verf langer houden, langer doorverven of de deksel erop doen en een verfpauze hebben. De verf blijft gewoon goed. Ook is het gebruik van een wet palette prettig om verf vloeiender te hebben en houden. Hou de wet palette op kamertemperatuur. Deze soort wet palettes zijn alleen geschikt voor acrylverf. Maat is 182x132mm. Inhoud set: 1 wet palette met een deksel 50 vellen navulling hydro papier 2 witte behandelde foam sponzen (anti-schimmel) instructiefolder met gebruik, tips en trucs Hydro papier is een half doorlatend en half doorzichtig soort dik papier. Dit papier vertraagt het uitdrogen van de verf. Maar alleen met een vochtige foam spons. 50 vellen van 130x180mm. Foam spons is een dikke hydrofil foam om vocht langer vast te houden en zorgt ervoor dat het papier vochtig blijft. Deze foam sponzen zijn behandeld tegen schimmelvorming. Maat 125x175mm.Laat deze sponzen bij het eerste gebruik goed vocht opnemen! Wet Palette The GSW Wet Pallete is a palette which, as opposed to traditional palettes, delays the natural drying process of the paint to be used. This makes the paint on the palette remain usable for longer, allowing you to have longer painting sessions without wasting paint and keeping it fresh. Suitable only for acrylic paints. It is ideal for warm and dry environments. Size: 182x132mm Contains: 1 Wet Pallete tray with a lid 50-sheet refill of Sulphurized semi-permeable paper 2 Sanitized® treated sponges in White color Complete instruction manual with tips and tricks Hydro Paper Sulphurized semi-permeable paper with high strength grammage and a semi translucent finish. It permits the absorption of water without letting paint through. Has right angled corners to fit well with the GSW Wet Palette. Size:130x180mm Hydro Foams High performance hydrofoam pads for GSW's Wet Palette. High thickness hydrophilic foam for increased fluid retention, whilst preventing wrinkles when drying out. Treated by Sanitized® to prevent mould and impurities, ensuring their longevity and capability to be reused. Size:125x175mm

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  • Citadel Painting Handle versie 2020 Citadel Painting Handle versie 2020

    Citadel Painting Handle versie 2020

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    First, there was the humble Citadel Painting Handle – this simple tool was a runaway hit, making it easy to paint your model and eat a bacon sandwich without ruining your finish. Then they got bigger, sprouted arms to aid assembly, and even turned red so you could spot special models when batch-painting. This updated Citadel Colour: Painting Handle is the biggest improvement on the revolutionary tool since its inception. Our design team has retained everything that made the original great, while evolving the design based on hard-won experience. By removing much of the bulk in the spring-loaded upper clasp, it’s easier than ever to reach all around – and under – your models. The grip is more ergonomic, sitting comfortably in your palm for fatigue-free marathon painting sessions. The redesigned shape of the base improves the balance and distribution of weight, allowing us to make it even taller while reducing accidental knock-downs. The painting handle holds 25mm, 28mm, 32mm and 40mm bases. If you love using your painting handles, you’ll love these even more. #citadel #painting #handle #new #2020

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Brush rinser - penseel spoeler Brush rinser - penseel spoeler

    Brush rinser - penseel spoeler

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    The Brush Rinser provides clean fresh water conveniently when brush-painting without the clutter and inconvenience of multiple rinse containers, accidental spills, or trips to the sink. Just rinse your brush in the fluted well. Then press the button and the dirty rinse water will drain into the base reservoir while automatically refilling the well with clean water. Takes up the space of 2 glasses of water on your desk, and allows you to clean brushes without damaging the bristles. You can use it with acrylic paints, metallic acrylic paints, watercolors, tempera, and gouache. Spoelen, spoelen en nog eens spoelen....

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  • Synthetishe Penselen set GreenStuffWorld Synthetishe Penselen set GreenStuffWorld

    Penselen set (4st) Synthetisch - Brush set 4

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    Green Stuff World's assortiment synethische penselen, GREEN SERIES. Vakkundig met de hand gemaakt en ontworpen om u te helpen uw legers en figuren volgens een uitzonderlijke standaard te schilderen. Er zijn veel soorten en maten penseel en elk is ontworpen voor een ander doel. Synthetische haren lijken erg op de natuurlijke haren, maar zijn meer geschikt voor minder ervaren schilders of voor technieken die een minder verwaterd medium vereisen, zoals droog borstelen. Geweldig voor technieken met een enkele slag, en in het algemeen elke andere techniek waarbij minimaal verdunde verf moet worden opgeladen, omdat de synthetische haren minder water absorberen. Voor technieken zoals wassen, blenden, laagjes aanbrengen en degraderen die een meer verdund medium vereisen, raden we aan om onze natuurlijke haarborstels te gebruiken.  In vergelijking met borstels met natuurlijk haar hebben borstels met synthetisch haar minder onderhoud nodig om de vorm van de punten te behouden. Het wordt aanbevolen om de borstelharen na gebruik in een scherpe punt te vormen en te voorkomen dat verfresten tussen de borstelharen droog blijven. Laat ze na het schilderen rechtop staan ​​om vervorming van de punten te voorkomen. Een goed onderhoud van deze borstels zorgt voor een lange levensduur.  Deze set bevat:  1x synthetische borstel - maat 00 1x synthetische borstel - maat 0 1x synthetische borstel - maat 1 1x synthetische borstel - maat 2   GREEN SERIES Synthetic Brush Set Green Stuff World's range of synethic paintbrushes, GREEN SERIES. Expertly hand-crafted and designed to help you paint your armies and figures to an exceptional standard.There are many brush types and sizes and each one has been designed for a different purpose. Synthetic bristles are very similar to the natural hair bristles but are more suitable for less experienced painters or for techniques which require a less watered down medium, like dry brushing. Great for single stroke techniques, and generally any other technique that requires charging minimally diluted paint as the synthetic bristles absorb less water. For techniques such as washing, blending, layering and degrading that require a more diluted medium we suggest using our natural hair brushes. Compared with natural hair brushes, synthetic hair brushes require less maintenance to maintain the shape of the tips. It is recommended to shape the bristles into a sharp point after use, and avoid leaving paint residue dry between the bristles. After painting, leave them standing up to avoid deforming the tips. Good maintenance of these brushes will ensure their longevity. This set contains: 1x Synthetic Brush - Size 001x Synthetic Brush - Size 01x Synthetic Brush - Size 11x Synthetic Brush - Size 2 #synthetic #brush #set #penselen #brush #greenstuffworld

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  • Transport koffer voor 60 flesjes 17ml Transport koffer voor 60 flesjes 17ml

    Transport koffer voor 60 flesjes 17ml

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    Afmeting 215mm breed, 320mm lang en 86mm hoog GSW's light but sturdy hardback carrying case with a protective foam with 60 slots for 17ml paint bottles. It can carry bottles up to 78mm in height and 25mm in diameter. #case #kist #koffer #60 #bottles #flesjes #foam #a4 #greenstuffworld #transport

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  • Kolinsky Brush Set Silver Series Kolinsky Brush Set Silver Series

    Kolinsky Penselen Brush Set Silver Series (4st)

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    ZILVEREN SERIE Kolinsky penselen set GSW's assortiment Kolinsky-penselen, SILVER SERIES. Vakkundig handgemaakt met een houten handvat van hoge kwaliteit en een punt van natuurlijk Kolinsky-haar, samengesmolten door een koperen verbinding. Zowel voor amateurs als experts zorgt de SILVER SERIES-serie Kolinsky-penselen voor een soepele en scherpe schilderervaring. Ze werken het beste met acrylverf op waterbasis, vooral met fijne technieken zoals wassen, mengen, laagjes aanbrengen en degraderen. Over het algemeen worden ze aanbevolen voor elke techniek die een meer verdund medium vereist. We raden af ​​om een ​​enkele streek of droogborstelen te gebruiken, omdat deze de punt kunnen beschadigen. Dit type haar zorgt voor een hoge opname van water en verf en een uitstekende elasticiteit, waardoor het een zeer technische borstel is. Natuurlijke penselen hebben van nature meer verzorging nodig dan penselen met synthetisch haar, omdat gebrek aan zorg kan leiden tot verlies van stevigheid en kapotte haren. Om ervoor te zorgen dat uw kolinsky-penselen langer meegaan, raden we aan om geen verfresten in de haren te laten drogen en deze in vorm te brengen en de punt te slijpen met onze Brush Repair Gel. Laat ze na het schilderen staan ​​met de borstelharen naar boven gericht om vervorming van de punten te voorkomen. Wij raden het gebruik van Kolinsky-penselen voor olieverf af, omdat de producten die nodig zijn om de haren na deze verfsoort schoon te maken, het natuurlijke haar van Kolinsky snel kunnen aantasten. Een goed onderhoud van deze borstels zorgt voor een lange levensduur. Deze set bevat: 1x Kolinsky-penseel - maat 00 1x Kolinsky-penseel - maat 0 1x Kolinsky-penseel - maat 1 1x Kolinsky-penseel - maat 2 SILVER SERIES Kolinsky Brush Set GSW's range of Kolinsky brushes, SILVER SERIES. Expertly hand-crafted with a high quality wooden handle and a tip of  natural Kolinsky hair, fused together by a brass ferrule. For amateur and experts alike, the SILVER SERIES range of Kolinsky brushes will provide a smooth and crisp painting experience. They work best with water-based acrylic paints, especially with fine techniques such as washing, blending, layering and degrading. In general, they are recommended for any technique which requires a more diluted medium. We advise against single stroke or dry brushing techniques as these may harm the tip. This type of hair ensures a high absorption of water and paint and excellent elasticity, making it a very technical brush. By nature, natural brushes require more care than synthetic hair brushes, as their decay may lead to a loss of firmness and broken hairs. In order for your kolinsky brushes to last longer we recommend avoiding leaving any paint residue to dry in the bristles and shaping them and sharpening the point with our Brush Repair Gel. After painting, let them stand with the bristles pointing upwards to avoid deforming the tips. We do not recommended using Kolinsky brushes for oil paint, since the products required to clean the bristles after this type of paint can deteriorate the Kolinsky natural hair quickly. Good maintenance of these brushes will ensure their longevity. This set contains: 1x Kolinsky Brush - Size 001x Kolinsky Brush - Size 01x Kolinsky Brush - Size 11x Kolinsky Brush - Size 2 #kolinksy #brush #set #silver #greenstuffworld

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Transport koffer met pluk foam Transport koffer met pluk foam

    Transport koffer met pluk foam

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    Afmeting 215mm breed, 320mm lang en 86mm hoog GSW's light but sturdy protective hardback carrying case for miniatures with a versatile pick and pluck foam, precut to remove bits easily and make the right size for your miniatures. Composed of four cushions in total, two small 8mm thick cushions that act as a base and a cover, and two larger foams 25mm thick. These can be used separately to have 25mm minis lying down, or can be stuck together using the adhesive included and make one 50mm thick foam where you can place your miniatures standing up fully protected. It also comes with a removable velcro pocket for more storage options. (tip: bewaar de geplukte blokjes want met dubbelzijdig tape is dit prima herbruikbaar!) #case #kist #koffer #pluck #pick #foam #a4 #greenstuffworld

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  • Brush Soap - Cleaner and Preserver 17ml

    Brush Soap - Cleaner and Preserver 17ml

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    Penseel reiniger Deze penseel reiniger (zeep) verwijdert moeiteloos verf op water, olie- of acrylbasis, vlekken en vernis. Tegelijkertijd voorkomt dit verfophoping in de aanzet van de haren. Deze zeep reinigt niet alleen maar onderhoud ook je penseel en verzorgt de penseelharen. Gebruik: maak je penseel nat met een beetje reiniger. Laat het schuimen op een stukje keukenrol papier of handdoek. Daarna afspoelen met schoon water. Desnoods herhalen. Te gebruiken in combinatie met de brush repair gel. Inhoud flesje: 17ml Na opening 12mnd houdbaar. Brush Soap This brush soap effectively removes oils, acrylics, watercolors, stains and varnishes, whilst preventing the accumulation of paint on the splint. Restores, conditions and preserves the bristles of the brushes. Wet the brush with this cleaner and gently lather against a towel or paper, and rinse. Allergen-free. Compatible with cosmetic brushes. This set includes a 17 ml pot #greenstuffworld  #brush #soap #cleaner #preserver

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  • Brush repair gel 17ml Brush repair gel 17ml

    Brush repair gel 17ml

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    Krijg een mooie punt weer terug in je gebruikte penselen! In water oplosbaar en vlekt niet. Semi-transparante kleur. Gebruik deze gel na je verfklus om ze mooi en schoon op te bergen. Gebruik: draai de punt van je penseelharen in de gel op je vinger, en vorm tussen duim en wijsvinger de punt van je penseel. Laat dit drogen voor 10min en berg je kwast op. Voor je weer gaat schilderen, veeg de punt van de penseelharen over een vochtige spons of natte vingers om je penseel weer zacht te krijgen. Behandel je penselen op deze manier na elke verfbeurt en je penselen blijven zo goed als nieuw! Inhoud flesje: 17ml Na opening 12mnd houdbaar. Recover the tip of your used brushes and leave them as brand new. Water soluble and not stain. Semi-transparent colour. Used at the end of the brush productions to give them the final touch. Wet the tip of the brush on the gel, forming it with your fingers and let it dry about 10 minutes. Before repainting, wipe the tip of the brush a bit in with water to soften it. Repeat the process after each painting session and your brushes will be always like new This set includes a 17 ml pot Shelf life: 12 months #kolinksy #brush #set #silver #greenstuffworld  #brush #repair #gel

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  • Townfolks Miniature set (D&D E5 comp) Townfolks Miniature set (D&D E5 comp)

    Townfolks Miniature set (D&D E5 comp)

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    Meet your neighbours! The cheerful citizens of your beloved town - guards, craftsmen, scholars and children. Every one of them can take part in your next adventure. Follow their quests or bring them into the fray together with your party. The box contains 62 townsfolk miniatures with scenic bases, including: 1x Grave Digger 1x Merchant 1x Innkeeper 1x Tavern Maid 1x Blacksmith 1x Noble Man 1x Noble Lady 1x Scholar 1x Male Dwarf 1x Washerwoman 1x Child with a Cape 1x Elf Wizard 1x Knight Lady 1x Beggar 1x Peddler 1x Rat Folk 1x Construct 1x Tommy the Ghost 1x Snake Charmer 1x Dwarf Woman 1x Armand 2x Mounted Guard A 2x Female Mounted Guard B 2x Mounted Guard C 2x Swordsman A 2x Swordsman B 2x Swordsman C 2x Swordsman D 2x Female Swordsman E 2x Swordsman F 2x Pole Guard A 2x Pole Guard B 2x Pole Guard C 2x Pole Guard D 2x Pole Guard E 2x Female Pole Guard F 2x Ranged Guard A 2x Ranged Guard B 2x Female Ranged Guard C 2x Ranged Guard D 2x Ranged Guard E All models come unpainted and unassembled! #townfolks #people #miniatures #pack #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Citadel water pot Citadel water pot

    Citadel water pot

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    More than just a container holding water, the Citadel Water Pot has been designed by painters, for painters. Constructed from durable grey plastic, the base and inner side walls of the water pot have ribbed sections, whose textures have been chosen to clean brushes in the most effective manner. A canal at the top allows you to store bushes horizontally when not in use, and the sides feature tapered grooves – once you’ve cleaned your brush in the water, draw the bristles up through these grooves to restore a nice, fine point! The water pot is 100mm wide at its base, and 90mm tall. *********** De Citadel Water Pot is meer dan alleen een bak met water, het is ontworpen door schilders, voor schilders. Gemaakt van duurzaam grijs plastic, de bodem en binnenzijwanden van de waterpot hebben geribbelde delen, waarvan de texturen zijn gekozen om borstels op de meest effectieve manier te reinigen. Een kanaal aan de bovenkant stelt je in staat om struiken horizontaal op te slaan wanneer je ze niet gebruikt, en de zijkanten zijn voorzien van taps toelopende groeven - als je je borstel eenmaal in het water hebt schoongemaakt, trek je de borstelharen omhoog door deze groeven om een ​​mooie, fijne punt te herstellen! De waterpot is aan de onderkant 100 mm breed en 90 mm hoog. #citadel #water #pot

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Lederen etui voor penselen en gereedschap Lederen etui voor penselen en gereedschap

    Lederen etui voor penselen en gereedschap

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    Premium Leather Case for Tools and Brushes Premium leather case to store your sculpting and carving tools, as well as your brushes. Keep everything organized and protected. Size of the case - unfolded: 23.5x24x3cmSize of the case - folded: 23.5x12x3cmSpace inside for tools up to 22 cm length Kleurstelling is zwart met een groene rits rand en GreenStuffWorld logo in zwart embossing *This article is an empty case (brushes and tools in the picture are not included) #lederen #case #tools #brushes #greenstuffworld #leather #etui #premium

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  • Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Binnen 2 dgn verzonden

    Niets leukers dan met een cadeaubon in de hand of winkelmand, zelf de producten uitkiezen die jij voor je hobby wilt gebruiken. Dus gun diegene een cadeaubon van Een Kleine Wereld. De bon print je eenvoudig uit, plak je in een kaart of overhandig deze bewerkt digitaal. De code en QR code op de bon is zowel in de webshop te gebruiken als in onze winkel in Papendrecht. Een glimlach op het gezicht is zo gemaakt!

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  • Starter brush set Starter brush set

    Starter brush set (36 onderdelen)

    Binnenkort weer op voorraad

    Hobby Starter Brush Set A starter brush set for scale modeling consists of a selection of basic brushes and cleaning solutions specifically designed for fine detail work in small-scale models, such as tabletop game figures, model soldiers, or model train figures. Ideal for beginners and advanced fans of modeling and role-playing games such as Warhammer, 40k, Age of Sigmar, Star Wars Legion and Dungeons & Dragons. Here is the best brush set for beginners which will include the following items and their applications: Silver Serie (S): They have an extremely fine tip and are used for intricate and precise work. They are ideal for painting small details like eyes, insignias, or tiny objects in dioramas. Green Series Flat and Round Tip: The flat version have a square-shaped tip with straight edges. They are useful for base coating larger areas and adding even layers of paint to dioramas. It also includes 2 round standard Synthetic Green Series for normal and daily painting.  Blue Dry Serie: They have flexible bristles designed for dry brushing techniques. Dry brushing is useful for highlighting raised details or creating weathering effects. Disposables are a cost-effective and convenient option for specific tasks such as Glue applications, Weathering effects, mixing paints, and applying solvent paints. They allow you to perform these tasks without worrying about potentially damaging or staining your good-quality ones, especially when working with materials like primers, sealers, glue, or weathering agents. Weathering brushes are specialized tools to create weathering effects and texture on various surfaces. They have a unique design where the shape resembles a pen, but their interior is filled with a sponge material that can be cut, molded, and removed as needed. The sponge acts as the bristle of the brush, allowing for a distinct application technique. It is also including 2 very important products for proper maintenance and care that can help save costs and reduce waste by prolonging their use. Repair Gel: Over time, your paintbrushes can experience wear and tear, such as frayed or splayed bristles, loose ferrules, or dried and hardened paint residues. This article will ensure bristles will keep the tip for much much longer. Brush Soap: It is a specialized cleaning solution formulated specifically for cleaning and maintaining paintbrushes. It is designed to effectively remove paint residues, pigments, and mediums from the bristles. This product not only cleans all your basic brushes for modeling but also helps condition and preserve the bristles, keeping them soft and flexible for optimal performance and longevity. A starter brush set for beginners provides beginners with a convenient and cost-effective way to acquire the essential brushes for beginners needed for fine detail work in small-scale models. It ensures that beginners have the right tools to start their scale modeling journey with confidence and helps them develop their skills in painting intricate details and achieving professional-looking results. The set contains: - Instruction booklet- Kolinsky Silver Serie (S) Size #2- Kolinsky Silver Serie (S) Size #0- Synthetic Green Serie: Flat Synthetic Size #3 - Synthetic Green Serie: Synthetic Size #1 - Synthetic Green Serie: Synthetic Size #00 - Blue Dry Series: Size #5 - Weathering Brushes 8mm (Pack 3x)- Repair Gel 17ml- Soap Cleaner and Preserver 17ml- Disposable Synthetic (Pack x25) #brush #set #beginners #greenstuffworld

    Binnenkort weer op voorraad


  • Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Binnen 2 dgn verzonden

    Niets leukers dan met een cadeaubon in de hand of winkelmand, zelf de producten uitkiezen die jij voor je hobby wilt gebruiken. Dus gun diegene een cadeaubon van Een Kleine Wereld. De bon print je eenvoudig uit, plak je in een kaart of overhandig deze bewerkt digitaal. De code en QR code op de bon is zowel in de webshop te gebruiken als in onze winkel in Papendrecht. Een glimlach op het gezicht is zo gemaakt!

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  • Snijmat A3 verlengd met schalen Snijmat A3 verlengd met schalen

    Snijmat A3 verlengd met schalen

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    Snijmat met schaalverdeling Deze ruime snijmat is ideaal voor snijden, modelering, uitmeten, boetseerwerk en alle andere creatieve uitspattingen. Met een mat bescherm je je werkblad tegen beschadigingen of verf. Met deze stevige opvouwbare A3 mat kun je met de opgedrukte schalen, en meetlinten de juiste hoek of afmeting krijgen zonder extra tools. Door de stevigheid en dikte van de mat zal je mes of voorwerp niet zo snel uitschieten zodat je mooie scherpe snijlijnen.  De meetlinten bevatten de meeste gebruikte schalen en figuren waarmee je prima materiaal op maat kunt snijden. Uitgevouwde afmeting 300mmX685mm en opgevouwen 300x230mm Dikte is 2mm kleur zwart zelfherstellende hoge dichtheid PVC materiaal anti slipmat Scale Cutting Mat Scale cutting mat is perfect for modeling, measuring, sculpting and general craft cutting and protecting surfaces from craft paints. This pack contains one foldable high-density cutting mat that will help you to cut the perfect angle and size every time. Due to the high-density material, the mat will prevent blades from slipping, which will give you a better cut and will decrease the likeliness of injury. The scale cutting mat contains guide lines of the most common scales, which will allow you to create armatures for sculpting miniatures of both men and women. Also you will find the same scales and guide lines to create horse and warhorse armatures. Unfolded dimensions: 300X685mm  Folded: 300x230mmThickness: 2mmColor: BlackSelf Healing High Density PVC MaterialNon slip mat #greenstuffworld #mat #foldable #cutting #snijmat #A3 #extended

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  • Basing Set - Forest Basing Set - Forest

    Basing Set - Forest

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    Forest Set With this set at your disposal, you'll be able to replicate all sorts of typical floral and forest environments found in nature, replicating the typical vegetation of woodland and forest areas. This set includes everything you need to get started, from pigments and different modeling materials to different types of foliage and even some characteristic animals, which will allow you to customize your scale model or forest diorama. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modeling and wargaming materials will help you bring your vision to life. Content:  Tufts Grass XXL - Light Green  Fine Foliage Foam - Medium Green (10-15g) MICRO LEAF - Light Green Mix  Paper Plants - Brackena Ferns  Paper Plants - Burdock Natural Modeling Leaves - Spring Green  Grass TUFTS - 12mm - 12mm - LIGHT GREEN Grass TUFTS - 6mm - LIGHT GREEN Static Grass Flock 4-6mm - SPRING GRASS - (10-13g) Pigment WILD MOSS Pigment NATURE GREEN Resin pieces: Birds and flowers Small tree bark (15-20g) #environment #forest #basing #set #greenstuffworld

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  • Silicone verfmat 30x40cm Silicone verfmat 30x40cm

    Silicone verfmat 30x40cm

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    Let op dit is een verfmat. Niet op snijden of met scherpe voorwerpen bewerken want dit geeft blijvende schade! GSW Painting Mat is designed to be the perfect hobby accessory for any painter or sculptor. Made of flexible silicone, it can be rolled up to fit easily in a hobby toolbox. It is full of drawings, guides, and patterns where you can practice painting. There are different areas where you can test your blends and color mixtures. The mat has been manufactured of a soft-touch silicone that will protect your table from paint spillages, which makes it perfect for your hobby cave or any other place that you do not want to make a mess. Manufactured in a light bluish color, very pleasing to the eye, which neither interferes with paint mixtures nor with taking pictures. The antislip backing provides a firm grip on the table preventing it from sliding. Easy to clean with water or alcohol, or even in the dishwasher. This set contains a painting mat. Size: 300x400mm. WARNING:Do not cut with sharp tools or cutters on this mat as this could irreversibly cut it.This is not a cutting mat. #greenstuffworld #silicone #verf #paint #mat

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  • Black Hobby Knife + 10x Black spare blades Black Hobby Knife + 10x Black spare blades

    Black Hobby Knife + 10x Black spare blades

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    Black Hobby Knife + 10x Black spare blades GSW ComfortGrip Cutter Knife with a non-slip rubber compact handle construction, smooth mechanism, and BLACK high-grade SK5 carbon steel blades for deep and precise cutting and maximum control. CONTAINS: 1 Cutter + (10+3) black blade refills HEAVY-DUTY 9mm BLADE (0.04 in) #hobby #mes #heavy #duty #greenstuffworld #knife

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  • Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Een Kleine Wereld Cadeaubon

    Binnen 2 dgn verzonden

    Niets leukers dan met een cadeaubon in de hand of winkelmand, zelf de producten uitkiezen die jij voor je hobby wilt gebruiken. Dus gun diegene een cadeaubon van Een Kleine Wereld. De bon print je eenvoudig uit, plak je in een kaart of overhandig deze bewerkt digitaal. De code en QR code op de bon is zowel in de webshop te gebruiken als in onze winkel in Papendrecht. Een glimlach op het gezicht is zo gemaakt!

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Basing Set - Swamp Basing Set - Swamp

    Basing Set - Swamp

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    Swamp Set With this selection of materials and paints, you can create wet mudflats or humid environments, replicating the typical effects of swampy areas. The different decorative UV water, vegetation, moss, and other swamp animals included in this set will allow you to customize your scale model or diorama, giving a touch of realism and originality to the scene. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modeling and wargaming materials will help you bring your vision to life. Content:  Ultraviolet Resin 17ml - Water Effect Mud Textures - SWAMP MUD 30ml Mud Textures - DARK BROWN MUD 30ml Pigment WILD MOSS Paper Plants - Bracken Ferns Pigment LIGHT BROWN EARTH Pigment MIDDLE EARTH Islandmoss - Green Mix (25-30g) Ultraviolet Torch Grass TUFTS XXL - 22mm self-adhesive - DARK GREEN Grass TUFTS - 12mm self-adhesive - DRY GREEN Resin pieces: Frogs and Fishes Small tree bark (15-20g) #environment #swamp #basing #set #greenstuffworld

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  • Bijna uit voorraad RGG360 Painting Handle RGG360 Painting Handle

    RGG360 Painting Handle

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    With its fully 360° revolving function, you can rotate your plastic or resin WIPs in a completely controlled manner. And all with just a gentle flick of your thumb or finger as you paint! But when you stop, it stops. The precision axle mechanism ensures a smooth spinning action that’s tight enough that it doesn’t turn involuntarily. It is ultra-responsive to you and your needs, and helps minimise unnecessary hand movements whilst accessing any and all awkward areas for painting. Batch painting becomes more efficient with the RGG 360 painting handle. Our innovative swappable caps system enables you to paint entire squads at once, using just one handle for multiple models, thereby saving valuable space in your hobby area. The process is straightforward: simply detach the current cap or XL cap (optional), along with its work-in-progress (WIP) miniature, and replace it on the handle with another cap attached to the next WIP model you’re ready to paint! You can comfortably paint for hours without risk of wrist strain or hand fatigue with the sculpted grip of the RGG 360°. Crucially, too, it means you can minimise the amount of physical contact your hands have with the model, which will help prevent chipping and paint rubbing! Additionally, the handle is lightweight and well-balanced, ensuring a comfortable feel.

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  • Basing Set - Volcanic Basing Set - Volcanic

    Basing Set - Volcanic

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    With this selection of materials and paints you will be able to replicate the typical effects of volcanic areas or create infernal environments. The different decorations that you will find included in this basing set will allow you to personalize your model or diorama, giving a touch of realism and originality to the scene. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modelling and wargaming materials will help you bring your idea to life. Contains: Crackle Paint - Badlands 60ml. Pigment ANTHRACITE BLACK 30ml Ground Texture - ASPHALT 30ml Splash Gel - Flaming Red Splash Gel - Flaming Orange Pigment FLUOR ORANGE 30ml Intensity Ink WHITE OSL Intensity Ink HYDROMIEL YELLOW Intensity Ink PHOENIX ORANGE Thin Hobby Sand Cork sheets Basing Bark Chips Grass TUFTS - 6mm self-adhesive - BURNT Thorny Scrubs - HELLHOLE RED 14mm Resin pieces

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  • Basing Set - Arctic Basing Set - Arctic

    Basing Set - Arctic

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    Arctic Set With this selection of materials and paints, you will be able to create snowy and frozen terrains, as well as replicate the typical effects of cold areas. The different decorative icicles, ice chunks, vegetation, and winter animals included in this set will allow you to customize your scale model or diorama, giving a unique and inhospitable touch to the scene. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modeling and wargaming materials will help you bring your vision to life. Contains: Tuft Glue 60ml Snow Texture - SNOW 30ml REALISTIC Snow Modeling (30-40g) Pigment TITANIUM WHITE Transparent Crackle Paint - WINTERFELL PLAINS  Organic GLASS Sheet Splash Gel - Water Effect Liquid Frost - Frost Effect Varnish Gloss - Gloss Varnish 17ml Dipping ink paint 60 ml - BLUE GLACIER DIP Resin pieces: plants, melted elements Resin parts: transparent stalactites and ice plates Not what are you looking for? discover our snow texture effect paints #environment #arctic #basing #set #greenstuffworld

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  • Bijna uit voorraad RGG360 4 swappable caps for Painting Handle RGG360 4 swappable caps for Painting Handle

    RGG360 4 swappable caps for Painting Handle

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    4 swappable caps for the RGG360° miniature holder V2.Swap your miniatures at will, without touching them. Speed up your batch painting. Each pack contains 4 additional caps for the RGG360°

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  • Basing Set - Desert Basing Set - Desert

    Basing Set - Desert

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    Desert Set If you're looking to create terrains and dioramas that look like they belong in a desert or other arid environment, then you'll need the right materials and paints, as well as typical vegetation and animals. This set includes different decorative elements to create terrains and dioramas such as desert sands and inhospitable environments. You will be able to replicate the typical dust effects of desert areas, cracked terrains, and dunes. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modeling and wargaming materials will help you bring your vision to life. Content: Basing Cork Grit (5-8g) Fine Modelling Sand (30-40g) Sand Texture - DESERT SAND 30ml Pigment LIGHT BROWN EARTH Pigment TITANIUM WHITE Pigment YELLOW OCHRE Cracking Paint - Mojave Mudcrack 60ml  Grass Tufts - Self-Adhesive - 6mm - DRY BROWN Grass Tufts - Self-Adhesive - 2mm - BEIGE Tuft Glue 60ml (Tuft Glue) Resin pieces: Cactus and lizards Small tree bark (15-20g) #environment #desert #basing #set #greenstuffworld

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  • Basing Set - Aquatic Basing Set - Aquatic

    Basing Set - Aquatic

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    With this selection of materials and paints you will be able to replicate the typical effects of the aquatic areas of rivers and seas. The different decorations that you can find in this basing set such as the vegetation and other aquatic animals included in this set will allow you to personalize your model or diorama, giving a touch of realism and originality to the scene. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modelling and wargaming materials will help you bring your idea to life. Contains: Clear Epoxy Resin 300 ml  Basing Bark Chips Dye for Resins BLUE Dye for Resins GREEN Aquatic resin pieces (corals and plants) Resin pieces (aquatic animals) Splash Gel - Water Effect Sand Texture - BEACH SAND 30ml Thin Hobby Sand - Natural Water Foam Texture 30ml Silicone Mixing Cups 100ml Mixing Sticks

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  • Silicone Painting mat with edges Silicone Painting mat with edges

    Silicone Painting mat with edges

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    Silicone Painting Mat with Edges Optimize your miniature painting experience with our silicone painting mat with Edges, designed for total safety and comfort. It includes strategically designed containment edges, and this painting mat prevents unwanted paint spills, keeping your work area clean and tidy. This article not only offers you protection from spills but also maximizes your efficiency with its multiple functional features. With a capacity for up to 12 paint pots of different sizes, from 12ml to 60ml, you'll always have your colors within reach. In addition, it features two paint palettes with 11 slots each, giving you ample space to mix and test colors. For added versatility, this article includes several multi-purpose recesses of different sizes, as well as two dedicated areas for storing up to 16 hobby paintbrushes, keeping them organized and ready for use. Plus, in the top area, you can easily attach our Brush Rinser to conveniently clean your brushes. Made from high-quality silicone, this is embossed and it is non-slip, easy to clean, and soft to the touch, giving you a pleasant and hassle-free working experience. In addition, its work/painting space fits perfectly with standard size 450x300mm cutting mats, allowing you to integrate other modeling tools according to your needs. This item is easily washable, which even allows you to paint on it and practice mixing and color testing. You can clean it with a little alcohol. With painting mats, take your modeling art to the next level with confidence and peace of mind. Get the most out of every painting session with this must-have tool for any modeling enthusiast - get yours today and experience the difference! This product has an optional assembly by adding a 450x300mm hobby cutting mat also available in our official store. The compatible articles that we sell are also foldable and can be inserted in the center when tougher jobs that may damage the silicone are required.  WARNING:Do not cut with sharp tools or cutters on this as this could irreversibly cut it.This product is not a cutting mat, but it is compatible to be used with them at the same time.

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