Welkom bij Een Kleine Wereld - Tabletop Fantasy


1198 producten

  • Bijna uit voorraad Siliconen mal Dungeon Siliconen mal Dungeon

    Siliconen mal Dungeon

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    Siliconen mal Kelders - Dungeon Maak scenery op je eigen manier! Met deze siliconen mallen kun je eigenlijk onbeperkt diverse soorten kelders, muren, en andere ondergrondse scenery maken. Je kunt hiermee je eigen spelduur, flexibiliteit van verhaal en campagnes maken. Met deze 2 mallen kleder deuren, stenen bogen, puin en tegels met steen en houtdesign op een zodanige manier dat je eindeloos kan combineren. Oftewel het lijkt wel lego! In de Engelstalige instructies die erbij worden geleverd, wordt het uitgelegd en zal je snel je eerste resultaten kunnen maken. Welk bouwmateriaal? Tja alles wat je kunt gieten of zacht genoeg om in een mal te drukken. Denk daarbij aan acrylic resin (en waarom niet voorkleuren met pigment?), UV resin (met of zonder kleur voor de ramen), greenstuff, brownstuff, klei, gips, gietbeton of resin soorten. En voor de gekkigheid: deze mallen kunnen ook in de oven dus als je een taart of taartdecoratie maken voor de D&D fans...geen probleem! Schaal is 1/48. In de verpakking zitten 2 silicone mallen en instructievel. Silicone Moulds - Dungeon Revolutionary silicone molds with which you can build a dungeon of tiles of your own design. These molds have the ability to reproduce pieces infinitely, allowing your dungeons to be as large as you want. This adds a great level of flexibility with which you can edit, shorten or lengthen campaigns as you wish. The molds have been intricately detailed with barred and wooden dungeon doors, stone arches, piles of rubble, and tiles of different types to provide realism and beauty as well as practicality. All parts and their functions are carefully explained in the included instruction manual to assist you in your own designs. Compatible with acrylic resin, UV resins, polyurethane resin and epoxy resin. 1:48 scale (wargames) Contains: 2x Silicone Molds NOTE:In the case of using acrylic resin, to avoid that the finest pieces can split during the demoulding phase, it is recommended to increase the% of acrylic resin to 50/50.Also, we remember that in cold environments the minimum drying times of acrylic resin increase to 1-2 hours depending on the temperature. Drying times may be sped up in hot environments.

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  • Flat Synthetic Brush Size 6 - Penseel plat mt 6 Flat Synthetic Brush Size 6 - Penseel plat mt 6

    Flat 6 Synthetic Brush Size 6 - Penseel plat mt 6

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    Green Stuff World's assortiment synethische penselen, GREEN SERIES. Vakkundig met de hand gemaakt en ontworpen om u te helpen uw legers en figuren volgens een uitzonderlijke standaard te schilderen. Er zijn veel soorten en maten penseel en elk is ontworpen voor een ander doel. Synthetische haren lijken erg op de natuurlijke haren, maar zijn meer geschikt voor minder ervaren schilders of voor technieken die een minder verwaterd medium vereisen, zoals droog borstelen. Geweldig voor technieken met een enkele slag, en in het algemeen elke andere techniek waarbij minimaal verdunde verf moet worden opgeladen, omdat de synthetische haren minder water absorberen. Voor technieken zoals wassen, blenden, laagjes aanbrengen en degraderen die een meer verdund medium vereisen, raden we aan om onze natuurlijke haarborstels te gebruiken.  In vergelijking met penselen met natuurlijk haar hebben penselen met synthetisch haar minder onderhoud nodig om de vorm van de punten te behouden. Het wordt aanbevolen om de penseelharen na gebruik in een scherpe punt te vormen en te voorkomen dat verfresten tussen de penseelharen indrogen. Laat ze na het schilderen rechtop staan ​​om vervorming van de punten te voorkomen. Een goed onderhoud van deze penselen zorgt voor een lange levensduur.  Platte penselen zijn handig om te mengen, vervagen, roestplekken en vuil aan te brengen. Haarlengte: 12mm Penseel breedte: 8mm Totale lengte: 19cm Inhoud: 1x synthetische plat penseel - maat 6 Andere maten zijn verkrijgbaar in synthetisch penseel plat - maat 1 synthetisch penseel plat- maat 3   GREEN SERIES Synthetic Brush Set Green Stuff World's range of synethic paintbrushes, GREEN SERIES. Expertly hand-crafted and designed to help you paint your armies and figures to an exceptional standard.There are many brush types and sizes and each one has been designed for a different purpose. Synthetic bristles are very similar to the natural hair bristles but are more suitable for less experienced painters or for techniques which require a less watered down medium, like dry brushing. Great for single stroke techniques, and generally any other technique that requires charging minimally diluted paint as the synthetic bristles absorb less water. For techniques such as washing, blending, layering and degrading that require a more diluted medium we suggest using our natural hair brushes. Compared with natural hair brushes, synthetic hair brushes require less maintenance to maintain the shape of the tips. It is recommended to shape the bristles into a sharp point after use, and avoid leaving paint residue dry between the bristles. After painting, leave them standing up to avoid deforming the tips. Good maintenance of these brushes will ensure their longevity. Flat brushes are useful for blending and fading, creating rust and dirt streaks. Synthetic fibers designed to stand up to the most rigorous of paint products. Britles length: 12mm Hair width: 8mm Total lenght: 19 cm This is a Synthetic flat Brush - size 6. Other brushes are available in Synthetic flat Brush - Size 1Synthetic flat Brush - Size 3 #synthetic #brush #set #penselen #brush #greenstuffworld

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  • Licht groene tufts - struikjes 12mm Licht groene tufts - struikjes 12mm

    Licht groene tufts - struikjes 12mm

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    Grass tufts - 12mm zelfklevend - licht groen Moderne zelfklevende tufts om je basis van je modellen, scenery, velden, rivier- en beekrandjes, groeven etc. aan te kleden. Pak met een pincet deze tufts van de strook en plak deze waar je ze wilt hebben. Wij adviseren om je een klein dotje lijm te gebruiken wanneer je de tufts gaat bevestigen. Nylon grass 12mm hoog sheet is 4 bij 15cm groot ong 40 tufts Grass TUFTS - 12mm Self-adhesive -  Winter Innovative self-adhesive scenic basing tufts perfect for decorating miniature bases, scenery, field paths, lake, river shores, embankments & slopes as well as the edges of forests and roads, creating flower beds or to brighten meadows. Just take the grass tufts out of the package using tweezers and fix them with its self-adhesive sticky bases. Although self adhesive, a dab of glue may be required to apply to some surfaces for a permanent fix. Type of Flock: NYLON FLOCK Fiber Size: 12mm high  Plastic sheet size: 4x15cm Content: 40 tufts

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  • Winter tufts - winter witte  struikjes 12mm Winter tufts - winter witte  struikjes 12mm

    Winter tufts - winter witte struikjes 12mm

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    Grass tufts - 12mm zelfklevend - winter groen Moderne zelfklevende tufts om je basis van je modellen, scenery, velden, rivier- en beekrandjes, groeven etc. aan te kleden. Pak met een pincet deze tufts van de strook en plak deze waar je ze wilt hebben. Wij adviseren om je een klein dotje lijm te gebruiken wanneer je de tufts gaat bevestigen. Nylon grass 12mm hoog sheet is 4 bij 15cm groot ong 40 tufts Grass TUFTS - 12mm Self-adhesive -  Winter Innovative self-adhesive scenic basing tufts perfect for decorating miniature bases, scenery, field paths, lake, river shores, embankments & slopes as well as the edges of forests and roads, creating flower beds or to brighten meadows. Just take the grass tufts out of the package using tweezers and fix them with its self-adhesive sticky bases. Although self adhesive, a dab of glue may be required to apply to some surfaces for a permanent fix. Type of Flock: NYLON FLOCK Fiber Size: 12mm high  Plastic sheet size: 4x15cm Content: 40 tufts

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  • Metal filter Blue interference

    Metal filter Blue interference

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    Set Metal Filters Transparent acrylic filters with a metallic finish that allow to modify and metalize the color they cover. Apply on top of other flat, metallic, or colorshift colours. Mixed together, or applied successively, they create new combinations. Shiny metallic finish. Valid for brush or airbrush. They work similarly to our Chameleon Colorshifts, but they are just one colour and the chamaleonic effect is achieved through the combination of the base colour and the metal filter. You can apply them to any flat colour to essentially turn it into a Chameleon Colorshift of your own design. It is preferable to apply over dark colours to appreciate their effect better, though over black you'll only see the tone of the metal filter. Over other dark colours you can create many combinations, we encourage you to experiment as the possibilities with these are endless! Contents 1x 17ml metal filter #metal #filters #blue #interference #greenstuffworld #chameleon

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  • Grasmat weiland met gele bloemen Grasmat weiland met gele bloemen

    Grasmat - weiland met gele bloemen - 2 vellen - cut out

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    Grasmat - maak je eigen vorm groen Leuk zo'n vel met kleine tufts, maar als je een strook wilt maken of een bepaalde vorm dan ben je effe bezig. Deze matten zijn scheurbaar of knipbaar in de vorm die je nodig hebt. Dus ook de grotere stukken die je wilt bedekken (voor langere grasmatten kies dan grasmat groot!). Handig om scenery te maken, vooral die van wargames, De grasmatten zijn er in diverse uitvoeringen.  En uiteraard te combineren met andere soort tufts, gras, grondbedekking, turf, struiken, grind etc. Gebruiksaanwijzing:scheur of knip de gewenste maat, beplak met PVA, of andere lijmsoort. laat drogen. Uitvoering: weiland met gele bloemen Inhoud: 2 matten / Maat: 90x145mm / Hoogte 10mm / ong 200 kleine tufst / Niet zelf klevend Grass Mat Cut-Outs Grass mat cut outs for instantly setting up a large surface for landscaping and scenery-making, especially for wargames. Grass mat cutouts are available in different styles, and can be complemented by adding various layers of foliage, turf mounds, tufts and shrubberies for a very realistic setting. Size:  90x145mm  Height: 10mm Contains 2x Grass Mat Cut-Outs. Each pack can produce approximately 200 small tufts. Not self-adhesive.

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Rolling pin Elven - figuur roller Elven Age of Sigmar Rolling pin Elven - figuur roller Elven Age of Sigmar

    Rolling pin Elven - figuur roller Elven

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    Figuur roller Elven Roller voorzien van een basisfiguur waarmee een continu herhaald patroon op klei en plamuren kan worden gedrukt. Gemaakt van helder PMMA-plastic met verbazingwekkende antikleefeigenschappen. Niet giftig. Ze zijn er in verschillende texturen die u kunt kopen op basis van uw specifieke behoeften.Lengte: 14'50 cm (5'5 inches)Diameter: 2'5cm (1 inch) Game size 28-35mmGEBRUIK INSTRUCTIES:1e - Meng de epoxyhars / klei / polymer klei tot een egaal plakkaat2e - Zorg voor een optimaal resultaat voor een glad en egaal oppervlak zodat het patroon goed zal overkomen. Gebruik desnoods een deegroller, fles of ander glad rond voorwerp. 3e - Afhankelijk van het type plamuur / klei is het raadzaam om de figuurroller nat te maken om vastzitten te voorkomen.4e - Verplaats de figuurroller langzaam en oefen gelijkmatige druk uit op alle punten voor een gelijkmatige afdruk op de klei, epoxy kneedhars of ander materiaal5e - Haal overtollig klei weg met een scherp mes. Het wordt aanbevolen om dit te doen als het eenmaal is opgedroogd om vervormingen in de stopverf / klei te voorkomen.Materialen:Er zijn veel verschillende kleien of epoxyhars op de markt en ze kunnen allemaal worden voorzien van een afdruk met de roller. Gebruik verschillende druk bij de verschillende materialen.Gewoonlijk zijn polymeerklei (Fimo of Sculpey-type) vrij eenvoudig om met deze Rolling Pins te bewerken, omdat ze een gemakkelijke correctie van fouten toelaten voordat ze worden gebakken. Wil je de structuur overbrengen op een basis, gebruik dan een MDF basis. Dit omdat je de polymeerklei direct op een MDF-basis kunt zetten en alles in de oven, inclusief de basis, kunt plaatsen. De droogtijd van deze klei is ongeveer 15 minuten bij 150ºC. MDF hout laat wel een lichte geur achter zoals bij geroosterd brood, maar maak je geen zorgen dat het niet zal branden! In het geval van epoxy basis zoals GreenStuff zijn er verschillende technieken die vergelijkbare resultaten opleveren. Het goede is: je hoeft ze niet te bakken, alleen te laten drogen en daarna kun je ze direct verwerken. Met Green Stuff, dat bijzonder kleverig is, is het het beste om de roller of de klei enigszins te bevochtigen voor je de figuur roller erover heen walst. U kunt ook de kleverigheid verminderen door talkpoeder toe te passen of door een oliebasis als Vaseline te gebruiken.Andere epoxy klei zoals de Milliput putty, bijvoorbeeld, zijn ook geschikt, maar we zouden niet aanraden om ze veel nat te maken. Als het mengsel te plakkerig is, is het beter om door te gaan met kneden totdat de plakkerigheid verdwenen is. Voor dit soort epoxyplamuren is het erg belangrijk om de roller na gebruik goed te reinigen.Schoonmaak instructies:Gebruik na het werken met de roller een penseel met harde haren en voldoende water om eventuele resten op de roller te verwijderen, indien nodig. Om de veiligheid te garanderen, moeten kinderen nauwlettend worden begeleid door een verantwoordelijke volwassene.

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  • Set vierkante stalen snijmallen (7 st/7 verschillende maten) Set vierkante stalen snijmallen (7 st/7 verschillende maten)

    Set vierkante stalen snijmallen (7 st/7 verschillende maten)

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    Stalen mallen rond - 7 maten Gemaakt van hoogwaardig roestvrijstaal. Makkelijk in gebruik. Ideaal voor klei, epoxy, etc te snijden maar je kunt deze mallen ook prima voor voedsel gebruiken of als werkbasis. Een werkbasis is dat je deze mal gebruik om materialen bij elkaar te houden. Makkelijk als je wilt dat gelijmde materialen ook goed op de basis drogen. Ook geschikt voor voedsel.Roostvrijstaal Zeer geschikt in maatvoering voor alle wargaming and tabletop games. Bevat de volgende maten: 20mm 25mm 30mm 35mm 40mm 50mm 60mm

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  • Pigment Dark Red Oxide (rood) (30ml) Pigment Dark Red Oxide (rood) (30ml)

    Pigment Dark Red Oxide (rood) (30ml)

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    Natuurlijke pigmenten voor modelleren zijn bij ons verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren. Deze pigmenten zijn breed toepasbaar in de miniatuurwereld. Zo kun je met pigmenten verweringseffecten aanbrengen, waaronder stof, roest, moddervegen, mosstukjes, grondverkleuring of bijv modder maken. Je kunt pigmenten direct gebruiken over het model, diorama, scenery, resin produkten of wargaming terrein met behulp van een pigment fixer of mud effect (acryl pasta) zodat ze prima gefixeerd worden. Deze pigmenten kunnen droog of nat worden aangebracht, afhankelijk van wat u wilt bereiken. Meng ze met elkaar en met onze Acrylic Pigment Fixer of met Mud Effect om ze nat aan te brengen. Als u besluit de pigmenten droog aan te brengen, kunt u ze later fixeren met Acrylic Pigment Fixer. Deze pigmenten zijn niet giftig, maar vermijd inademen van het stof door neus of mond (dus niet opsnuiven!). Inhoud: 1 flesje van 30ml. Wat kun je allemaal doen met pigment? Nou veel! Check deze video

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  • Set ovale mallen (5 st/5 verschillende maten) Set ovale mallen (5 st/5 verschillende maten)

    Set ovale mallen (5 st/5 verschillende maten)

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    Containment Moulds Set of Silicone Containment Moulds that allow you to limit the edges of the bases of your miniatures when pouring liquids and resins, such as our Ultraviolet Resin (LINK). Resin will not stick to the silicone nor will it affect the transparency of the resins. These moulds have the standard measurements of wargame bases. During the filling with resins, to reduce any potential deformities due to the high temperatures generated, we recommend the application of the resin in thin layers. Do not move or manipulate these moulds with resin inside until they have been completely hardened, since air may have trapped inside, releasing it and generating internal bubbles. These moulds are heat resistant up to 240ºC and very durable. Dimensions: 60x35mm75x42mm90x52mm105x70mm70x25mm Height: 10mm

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  • Pigment Light Orange Oxide (licht oranje) (30ml) Pigment Light Orange Oxide (licht oranje) (30ml)

    Pigment Light Orange Oxide (licht oranje) (30ml)

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    Natuurlijke pigmenten voor modelleren zijn bij ons verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren. Deze pigmenten zijn breed toepasbaar in de miniatuurwereld. Zo kun je met pigmenten verweringseffecten aanbrengen, waaronder stof, roest, moddervegen, mosstukjes, grondverkleuring of bijv modder maken. Je kunt pigmenten direct gebruiken over het model, diorama, scenery, resin produkten of wargaming terrein met behulp van een pigment fixer of mud effect (acryl pasta) zodat ze prima gefixeerd worden. Deze pigmenten kunnen droog of nat worden aangebracht, afhankelijk van wat u wilt bereiken. Meng ze met elkaar en met onze Acrylic Pigment Fixer of met Mud Effect om ze nat aan te brengen. Als u besluit de pigmenten droog aan te brengen, kunt u ze later fixeren met Acrylic Pigment Fixer. Deze pigmenten zijn niet giftig, maar vermijd inademen van het stof door neus of mond (dus niet opsnuiven!). Inhoud: 1 flesje van 30ml. Wat kun je allemaal doen met pigment? Nou veel! Check deze video

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  • Pigment Burnt Amber (Donker bruin) (30ml) Pigment Burnt Amber (Donker bruin) (30ml)

    Pigment Burnt Amber (Donker bruin) (30ml)

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    Natuurlijke pigmenten voor modelleren zijn bij ons verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren. Deze pigmenten zijn breed toepasbaar in de miniatuurwereld. Zo kun je met pigmenten verweringseffecten aanbrengen, waaronder stof, roest, moddervegen, mosstukjes, grondverkleuring of bijv modder maken. Je kunt pigmenten direct gebruiken over het model, diorama, scenery, resin produkten of wargaming terrein met behulp van een pigment fixer of mud effect (acryl pasta) zodat ze prima gefixeerd worden. Deze pigmenten kunnen droog of nat worden aangebracht, afhankelijk van wat u wilt bereiken. Meng ze met elkaar en met onze Acrylic Pigment Fixer of met Mud Effect om ze nat aan te brengen. Als u besluit de pigmenten droog aan te brengen, kunt u ze later fixeren met Acrylic Pigment Fixer. Deze pigmenten zijn niet giftig, maar vermijd inademen van het stof door neus of mond (dus niet opsnuiven!). Inhoud: 1 flesje van 30ml.

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  • Intensity Ink Swamp brown (bruin)

    Intensity Ink Sepia Vetus (sepia)

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    Met een kwast of airbrush aanbrengen. De verf droogt dekkend op (dus niet als een wash ink als aquarelverf) op oppervlakten maar gaat zich vooral hechten in groeven, hoeken, diepte, gaatjes, oneffenheden etc. Een bijzondere goede kwaliteit verf. Elk flesje heeft 17ml inhoud. Verdund of onverdund gebruiken op allerlei soorten ondergrond. Eventueel bij teveel verdund gebruik kan er nog een laag aangebracht worden. Droogt mat op. Kan gemengd worden met andere acrylverf.

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Diorama Tree Roots Diorama Tree Roots

    Diorama Tree Roots

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    Model Roots Bring your dioramas to life with diorama tree roots from Green Stuff Word. Whether you're creating a serene forest, a dramatic battlefield, or a fantasy world, this natural product will add realism and texture to your scenes as they perfectly mimic the organic, twisted shapes of real tree systems. They are ready to integrate seamlessly into any project to achieve a professional result in miniatures, dioramas, or models. How to use them? With this product, you can imitate several natural elements, beyond the root itself. You can use them to create fallen branches, bushes, diorama trees, vines, and, of course, different types of miniature root. To achieve this, you can apply them directly on your project or mold them as you wish to adapt them to the scene: trim them, sand them, paint them, or add other materials such as static grass, artificial moss, miniature leaves, or long grass flock. This way, you will add texture and depth to your landscape. This set is a versatile option for modelers of all levels, with which they will be able to create from natural terrains to fantasy landscapes, urban scenes, or battlefields and ruins.

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  • 3D Print - Dungeon - Piles of Skulls 3D Print - Dungeon - Piles of Skulls

    3D Print - Dungeon - Piles of Skulls

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    Revitalize your gaming experience with our exclusive collection of Warhammer bits in 1:48 scale, 3D printed resin piece sets that will transform both your battlefield and miniature bases into stunning scenery. Our online store specializes in offering detailed bone, skull, and skeleton sets, all designed to be compatible with a variety of miniature games, including 9Age, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, and the recently reborn Warhammer Old World. Precision manufactured from high-quality ABS-like resin using advanced 3D printing technology. Thanks to this technique, our pieces stand out for their level of detail, capturing realistic textures and shapes that bring a new dimension to your miniatures and modeling projects. From tiny skulls to elaborate skeletons, each piece is designed to fit perfectly into your Warhammer army, giving you the freedom to create and customize your figures to your liking. Whether you are a modeling enthusiast or an avid Wargames player, our bits will offer you an economical and effective way to customize your figures and create armies that truly reflect your style and vision. They are delivered unpainted and each set comes with its print matrix with easy-to-remove stands, making the assembly process easy and ensuring that you can get started on your creations without hassle. Each blister package includes 30x Skulls piles 1:48

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  • Open cell XPS foam 30mm Open cell XPS foam 30mm

    Open cell XPS foam 30mm

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    XPS extruded polystyrene foam | Open-Cell XPS Foam Open-cell XPS extruded polystyrene foam, also called Styrofoam, is a lightweight, strong, durable, and less dense material than its sister closed-cell XPS foam in blue, giving it a "low memory" effect that is ideal for marking, engraving, texture transfer, scratching, and roughing. Open-Cell XPS Foam can be used to create various scenery such as hills and cliffs, game boards, different model building elements such as bricks, or even columns and large bases for dioramas. It is a lightweight and durable material that is easy to work with, making it a popular choice among amateurs and professionals. The texture to the touch of this material is reminiscent of very fine sandpaper, so for painting, it is recommended to post-process it by applying a protective coating or surface sealer such as our Medium Decoupage. Unlike blue XPS foam, this open-cell material can be engraved with textured rollers or carved with a modeling tool for sculpting.  Open-cell extruded XPS also has great moisture resistance and works very well as a thermal insulator. This makes it an excellent choice for creating terrains, landscapes, and other modeling elements, such as buildings, bases, and bricks, as well as being ideal for making game boards, dioramas, and other craft projects. There are several tools you can use to shape and cut it. One of the most common tools is a hot-wire cutter, which is a handheld device that heats a wire to cut through the foam. A hot knife is another tool that uses heat to cut through the foam, but it is more precise than a hot-wire cutter and is ideal for creating intricate details. Saws and knives can also be used to cut through this material. A hand saw or jigsaw is ideal for cutting through larger pieces of foam, while a sharp utility knife or craft knife can be used to make smaller cuts and details. When working with this material, it is essential to take safety precautions as this material can release toxic fumes when heated or sanded vigorously. It is important to wear a fume mask or work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the fumes. Content: 200x300mm Thickness: 30 mm Type: Open-cell Estimated Density: 33 kg/m³ WARNINGS: Extruded polystyrene XPS is capable of giving off toxic fumes when heated. That heating can be achieved when hot-wire cutting, vigorously sanding, and also by application of hot glue. This foam should never be worked in an enclosed environment or without wearing a graded fume mask. Cutting styrofoam with an electric saw will also melt and produce fumes. Always use appropriate glue such as tuft glue or hot glue to stick styrofoam together. Standard PVA glue or white glue will only stick this foam where they have contact with the air, where air cannot reach the glue then the glue will NOT set and remain liquid. Dust produced when sanding or cutting styrofoams with a saw is also hazardous and should be avoided by wearing a dust mask and using appropriate ventilation and other safety measures. The safe maximum use temperature of extruded polystyrene foam XPS is 75 degrees Celsius (167º Fahrenheit).

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  • Plastic base adaptor 25x50 to 30x60mm Plastic base adaptor 25x50 to 30x60mm

    Plastic base adaptor 25x50 to 30x60mm

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    Hollow Plastic Bases 30x60mm Green Stuff World's Hollow Plastic Bases 30x60mm offer a unique and creative solution for adding dynamic water terrain effects to your wargaming and tabletop miniature collections.  They have been designed with a beveled edge and a hollowed-out interior to allow for water or swamp-themed terrain effects, giving the illusion of miniatures being partially submerged in water or wading through a swamp. These have been designed to be compatible with various wargames and board games, making them suitable for a wide range of gaming systems. Whether you play fantasy, sci-fi, historical, or other genres, they can add a touch of realism to your miniatures. Additionally, they can serve as 25x50 to 30x60mm base adapters, allowing you to convert 25x50 mm to the larger 30x60 mm size. This feature is particularly useful if you use them as adapters for Warhammer the Old World bases, where the need to use old miniatures becomes a reality. Contains 10x Cavalry Base Adapters 30x60mm. Compatible with Warhammer the Old World

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  • 3D print sets Dead Tree Branches 3D print sets Dead Tree Branches

    3D print sets Dead Tree Branches

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    Dead Tree Branches 3D printed set This set of resin products created by Green Stuff World has been specially designed for miniatures games such as Warhammer: The Old World. 3D resin printing offers a fascinating addition to your arsenal of wargaming and hobby tools. With this technology, you can create custom scenery, miniatures and accessories with exceptional detail, enhancing your gaming experience. Bring a realistic touch to your bases, dioramas and figures using these high quality, ABS-like bits. Carefully designed to replicate real species, these are available in various shapes and sizes to suit all needs and scales. Selecting the right model glue and modelling tools is essential to assemble your Warhammer bits effectively and achieve optimum results. Understanding the project requirements, exploring the available options and assessing their performance and suitability are key factors. In addition, taking into account available experience and resources, keeping abreast of the latest developments, seeking expert advice and considering long-term maintenance are crucial to making informed decisions. These products are supplied unpainted and are ideal for 28-35-54mm miniatures (1:48 - 1:35 scale). Each set includes 26 x Dead Tree Branches.

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Premium Dry Brush set Premium Dry Brush set

    Premium Dry Brush set

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    Dry brush painting paint set GSW's premium range of BLUE SERIES brushes is meticulously crafted by hand using only the finest quality materials, and they are used to create a textured effect by spreading a minimal amount of paint thinly across the surface, highlighting raised areas and producing shadows. They are versatile tools that can be used to add depth and dimension to your artwork. Dry brushing brushes are a type of brush used in modeling in order to make the drybrush technique where only a minimal paint is used and the excess moisture is removed. This technique is popular in various art forms, including miniature painting, ceramics, and canvas painting. The bristles of dry brushing technique brushes are typically bigger and round, making them capable of withstanding hard dry brushwork that would normally break a normal one in a few uses. This technique produces a distinctive, textured effect, creating highlights and shadows on the raised areas of a surface. These brushes are ideal for creating weathered or aged effects, adding subtle highlights to miniature models, and creating texture in art pieces. With a light touch and minimal acrylic paint, dry brushing technique brushes can add depth and dimension to your artwork.

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  • 3D print sets Big Spiders 3D print sets Big Spiders

    3D print sets Big Spiders

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    3D resin printed set - Big spiders  A 3D-printed set designed for modeling and wargames can be an excellent addition to your hobby toolkit. They offer the opportunity to create custom and intricately detailed terrain pieces, DnD miniatures, and Warhammer accessories, elevating your gaming experience. Adding these high-quality ABS-like resin bitz to your bases, dioramas, and figures can bring a realistic touch to your creations. Carefully crafted to mimic real species, these bits come in various shapes and sizes, catering to a wide range of needs and scales. Whether you're a model enthusiast or a tabletop gamer, these 3D-printed bits provide versatility and creativity to enhance your hobby projects. Choosing the appropriate modeling glue, modeling tools, or approach for a given task with your Warhammer bits is essential for achieving optimal results and efficiency in any project. Understanding the project's requirements, researching available options, and evaluating their performance and suitability are key factors. Additionally, considering the expertise and resources available, staying up-to-date with the latest developments, seeking advice from experts, and thinking about long-term maintenance are all crucial aspects of making an informed decision. This product comes unpainted and is perfect for 25-28-35-54 mm (1:48 - 1:35) miniatures. Each set contains 19 x resin big spiders #resin #3d #printed #greenstuffworld #big #spiders

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  • Basing Set - Swamp Basing Set - Swamp

    Basing Set - Swamp

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    Swamp Set With this selection of materials and paints, you can create wet mudflats or humid environments, replicating the typical effects of swampy areas. The different decorative UV water, vegetation, moss, and other swamp animals included in this set will allow you to customize your scale model or diorama, giving a touch of realism and originality to the scene. Perfect for beginners and hobbyists alike, these modeling and wargaming materials will help you bring your vision to life. Content:  Ultraviolet Resin 17ml - Water Effect Mud Textures - SWAMP MUD 30ml Mud Textures - DARK BROWN MUD 30ml Pigment WILD MOSS Paper Plants - Bracken Ferns Pigment LIGHT BROWN EARTH Pigment MIDDLE EARTH Islandmoss - Green Mix (25-30g) Ultraviolet Torch Grass TUFTS XXL - 22mm self-adhesive - DARK GREEN Grass TUFTS - 12mm self-adhesive - DRY GREEN Resin pieces: Frogs and Fishes Small tree bark (15-20g) #environment #swamp #basing #set #greenstuffworld

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  • Effect paint Bile 17ml

    Effect paint Bile 17ml

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    GSW's bile effect paint is a transparent glossy water based paint coloured like bile, perfect for creating all types of regurgitating effects like sick and puke. It will make Nurgles and other revolting miniatures look like they threw it up themselves. To make it extra disgusting and nauseous, we recommend adding badly mixed solids like sand or pigments to create also a texture. Contains: 17ml #bile #17ml #greenstuffworld #effect #paint #airbrush #brush

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  • Purity Seal Order Purity Seal Order

    Purity Seal Order

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    Purity seals Purity seals are a popular decorative element in Warhammer 40K modeling carefully designed to add a sense of authenticity and character to miniatures. These seals are small scrolls or ribbons that attach to the armor or weapons of a miniature and are often adorned with various symbols and inscriptions. They come in different shapes and sizes to suit all needs and scales. Ideal for dioramas and scenery. This product comes unpainted and is perfect for 1:48. Contains: x50 purity seals #purity #seals #resin #order #greenstuffworld

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  • Giant rats (15st) resin ongeverfd Giant rats (15st) resin ongeverfd

    Giant rats (15st) resin ongeverfd

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    GIANT RATS Resin Set Give your bases, dioramas and figures a realistic touch with these high quality resin rats! Carefully designed to mimic real species, these rats come in different shapes and sizes to suit all needs and scales. This product comes unpainted and is perfect for 25-28-35-54 mm (1:48 - 1:35) miniatures. Each set contains 15x resin rats. #greenstuffworld #giant #rat #rats #explosive #resin #15pcs

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Siliconen mal Graveyard Siliconen mal Graveyard

    Siliconen mal Graveyard

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    Silicone Moulds GSW introduces a revolutionary way of making scenery with these silicone moulds. Expertly designed these moulds allow you to produce infinite pieces of stone constructions. The parts have been very carefully designed to produce fully detailed pillars, walls, roofs, windows, archways, and doors in a way that can be combined with each other flexibly without sacrificing architectural rigor. These moulds produce all the parts needed to build walls, castles, fortresses, monasteries, convents, and anything you can think of with this type of architecture.  All parts and their functions are carefully explained in the included instruction manual to help you in your designs. Compatible with acrylic resin (especially recommended), UV resins, polyurethane resin, and epoxy resin. Scale 1:48 (wargames)Contains: 2x Silicone Moulds REMARKS:In the case of using acrylic resin, to avoid that the thinnest pieces can split during the demoulding phase, it is recommended to increase the % of acrylic resin to 50/50.Also, we remember that in cold environments the minimum drying times of acrylic resin increase to 1-2 hours depending on the temperature. Drying times may speed up in hot environments.

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  • Dipping ink 60 ml - Hulky Green Dipping ink 60 ml - Hulky Green

    Dipping ink 60 ml - Hulky Green 3494

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    Dipping ink 60 ml Dipping ink semi-transparent paints help you to shade your figures more quickly and easily over a single coat of paint. Apply with a brush over a layer of matt white or a light colour to easily achieve realistic shadows in a single application of Dipping. The Dipping ink range is the best speedpainting solution on the market to contrast your miniatures and gain more time for the game. It can also be used by advanced painters taking advantage of its unique properties to mark shadows and volumes, blend and veil colours with ease, bring out the details of your figure quickly and use it as a starting point for more professional painting. These paints have been designed in a 60ml pot so that you have enough product to paint entire armies with ease. Contents: 1x Dipping ink in 60ml Colour: Hulky Green #speed #paint #green #hulky #dipping #ink #greenstuffworld

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  • UV resin 17ml Lime Green - Glow in the Dark

    UV resin 17ml Lime Green - Glow in the Dark

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    Glow in the dark Acrylic Resin that gets cured under ultraviolet (UV) or direct sunlight in minutes. Perfect to replicate different magical, toxic or ghostly effects. Contains: 17ml *Check the colours of the example photos in natural light and in the dark when uploaded, as they may be different. CAUTION: Keep out of reach of children. May be harmful if swallowed. Not edible. Causes Skin Irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Keep in mind that the resin will remain in its gel state indefinitely until a source of natural light or ultraviolet light comes into contact with it.Do not expose the inside of the bottle to natural light, otherwise the gel could start a reaction and crystallize. UV resin warnings - Environmental conditions can affect the properties of the material- Use in a dry, ventilated place and at a temperature between 18 ° C and 25 ° C is recommended. Extreme cold and heat can damage the material.- Use under inadequate conditions, inadequate exposure to UV light or insufficient UV light output can result in the surface feeling tacky after curing. In this case, we recommend applying more UV light or gloss varnish.- We recommend consuming the product within 10 months. The shelf life of the product may decrease after opening depending on the state of preservation, exposure to UV light and low temperatures. Ideaal voor dobbelstenen, scenery en diorama op bases. #resin #glow #dark #greenstuffworld #lime #green

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  • ABS Plasticard A4 - 0,25 mm x5 sheets ABS Plasticard A4 - 0,25 mm x5 sheets

    ABS Plasticard A4 - 0,25 mm x5 sheets

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    ABS Plasticard A4 size - Thickness 0,25 mm Plasticard sheets made of ABS plastic (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) known as Plasticard. The generic term plasticard refers to a genre of plastics widely used in modeling. ABS plastic is the one used to make LEGO pieces. This plastic has very attractive physical properties for modeling since despite its strength and durability it is very easy to work. It can be bought either in sheets of different thicknesses, smooth or textured, or in the form of profiles with very diverse shapes. The ideal glue for ABS plastics is cyanoacrylate. The PVA glue can also be used, but it takes much longer to dry. ABS plasticard also has thermoplastic properties, which allows to alter its shape by using diverse sources of heat. Plain Plasticard sheets in A4 size  This set contains 5 A4-sheets (20x30cm) #abs #plasticard #A4 #0.25mm #greenstuffworld

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  • Fluor pigment Yellow (30ml) Fluor pigment Yellow (30ml)

    Fluor pigment Yellow (30ml)

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    Bright colored fluorescent pigments are able to glow under ultraviolet light, available in many varying colors for a wide variety of distinctive effects for your models. Apply these fluor pigments directly over any surface. We recommend mixing them with mediums, paints, varnish, or pigment fixers for them to stay permanently. These pigments are non-toxic, but you should avoid inhaling the dust. Contents: 1 bottle of 30ml. #yellow #fluor #pigment #greenstuffworld #30ml

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  • Long Grass Flock 100mm - Light Green Long Grass Flock 100mm - Light Green

    Long Grass Flock 100mm - Light Green

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    Long Grass Flock 100mm Long grass flock from Green Stuff World is realistic and of high-quality Model Realistic Field Grass. Designed to decorate the bases of your miniatures of your scenery creating model tall grass, weeds, and other wild grasses found in woodlands, wetlands, prairies, and other places in nature. To use the product simply cut the desired size, apply white glue and/or instant glue to the grass, and apply it to the surface. We recommend mixing different colours to achieve a more realistic result on your dioramas and bases. Content: approx. 7gr Length: 100mm Colour: light green

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  • Bijna uit voorraad Rolling pin Arcane - figuur roller Arcane Rolling pin Arcane - figuur roller Arcane

    Rolling pin Arcane - figuur roller Arcane

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    Figuur roller ArcaneRoller voorzien van een basisfiguur waarmee een continu herhaald patroon op klei en plamuren kan worden gedrukt. Gemaakt van helder PMMA-plastic met verbazingwekkende antikleefeigenschappen. Niet giftig. Ze zijn er in verschillende texturen die u kunt kopen op basis van uw specifieke behoeften.Lengte: 14,50 cm (5'5 inches)Diameter: 2,5cm (1 inch) Patroon varieert met verschillende steensoorten, motieven (fleur de lis) en een filigree / rasters GEBRUIK INSTRUCTIES:1e - Meng de epoxyhars / klei / polymer klei tot een egaal plakkaat2e - Zorg voor een optimaal resultaat voor een glad en egaal oppervlak zodat het patroon goed zal overkomen. Gebruik desnoods een deegroller, fles of ander glad rond voorwerp. 3e - Afhankelijk van het type plamuur / klei is het raadzaam om de figuurroller nat te maken om vastzitten te voorkomen.4e - Verplaats de figuurroller langzaam en oefen gelijkmatige druk uit op alle punten voor een gelijkmatige afdruk op de klei, epoxy kneedhars of ander materiaal5e - Haal overtollig klei weg met een scherp mes. Het wordt aanbevolen om dit te doen als het eenmaal is opgedroogd om vervormingen in de stopverf / klei te voorkomen.Materialen:Er zijn veel verschillende kleien of epoxyhars op de markt en ze kunnen allemaal worden voorzien van een afdruk met de roller. Gebruik verschillende druk bij de verschillende materialen.Gewoonlijk zijn polymeerklei (Fimo of Sculpey-type) vrij eenvoudig om met deze Rolling Pins te bewerken, omdat ze een gemakkelijke correctie van fouten toelaten voordat ze worden gebakken. Wil je de structuur overbrengen op een basis, gebruik dan een MDF basis. Dit omdat je de polymeerklei direct op een MDF-basis kunt zetten en alles in de oven, inclusief de basis, kunt plaatsen. De droogtijd van deze klei is ongeveer 15 minuten bij 150ºC. MDF hout laat wel een lichte geur achter zoals bij geroosterd brood, maar maak je geen zorgen dat het zal branden! In het geval van epoxy basis zoals GreenStuff zijn er verschillende technieken die vergelijkbare resultaten opleveren. Het goede is: je hoeft ze niet te bakken, alleen te laten drogen en daarna kun je ze direct verwerken. Met Green Stuff, dat bijzonder kleverig is, is het het beste om de roller of de klei enigszins te bevochtigen voor je de figuur roller erover heen walst. U kunt ook de kleverigheid verminderen door talkpoeder toe te passen of door een oliebasis als Vaseline te gebruiken.Andere epoxy klei zoals de Milliput putty, bijvoorbeeld, zijn ook geschikt, maar we zouden niet aanraden om ze veel nat te maken. Als het mengsel te plakkerig is, is het beter om door te gaan met kneden totdat de plakkerigheid verdwenen is. Voor dit soort epoxyplamuren is het erg belangrijk om de deegrollen na gebruik goed te reinigen.Schoonmaak instructies:Gebruik na het werken met de roller een penseel met harde haren (of een scratch brush) en voldoende water om eventuele resten op de roller te verwijderen, indien nodig. Om de veiligheid te garanderen, moeten kinderen nauwlettend worden gecontroleerd door een verantwoordelijke volwassene. #greenstuffworld #rolling #pin #arcane

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  • Liche Purple 17ml Acrylic Color 1790

    Liche Purple 17ml Acrylic Color 1790

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    Acrylic Color Acrylic paints with an opaque and smooth matt finish, especially designed for modelling and miniature painting. Formula curated and carefully developed by experienced artists using a new generation of pigments, the Acrylic Color range aims to provide a full spectrum of all basic tones and shades necessary for wargames, vehicles, miniatures and dioramas, as well as colours exclusive to GSW. Rich in high quality pigments, these colours will leave a fine homogenous layer of fast drying paint, respecting all details on the surface. Perfect for glazes and other techniques, making them adequate for experts and amateurs alike. Designed especially for brush painting, but Acrylic Color paints can be used with an airbrush when slightly diluted with acrylic thinner. Non-toxic water-based with no latex. Shake well before use. Includes stainless steel mixing ball. Contains: 17ml. *This Paint may contain a protective seal, remove before use. #acrylic #colours #greenstuffworld

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  • Sangria Red 17ml Acrylic Color 1789

    Sangria Red 17ml Acrylic Color 1789

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    Acrylic Color Acrylic paints with an opaque and smooth matt finish, especially designed for modelling and miniature painting. Formula curated and carefully developed by experienced artists using a new generation of pigments, the Acrylic Color range aims to provide a full spectrum of all basic tones and shades necessary for wargames, vehicles, miniatures and dioramas, as well as colours exclusive to GSW. Rich in high quality pigments, these colours will leave a fine homogenous layer of fast drying paint, respecting all details on the surface. Perfect for glazes and other techniques, making them adequate for experts and amateurs alike. Designed especially for brush painting, but Acrylic Color paints can be used with an airbrush when slightly diluted with acrylic thinner. Non-toxic water-based with no latex. Shake well before use. Includes stainless steel mixing ball. Contains: 17ml. *This Paint may contain a protective seal, remove before use. #acrylic #colours #greenstuffworld

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  • Majin Pink 17ml Acrylic Color 1788

    Majin Pink 17ml Acrylic Color 1788

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    Acrylic Color Acrylic paints with an opaque and smooth matt finish, especially designed for modelling and miniature painting. Formula curated and carefully developed by experienced artists using a new generation of pigments, the Acrylic Color range aims to provide a full spectrum of all basic tones and shades necessary for wargames, vehicles, miniatures and dioramas, as well as colours exclusive to GSW. Rich in high quality pigments, these colours will leave a fine homogenous layer of fast drying paint, respecting all details on the surface. Perfect for glazes and other techniques, making them adequate for experts and amateurs alike. Designed especially for brush painting, but Acrylic Color paints can be used with an airbrush when slightly diluted with acrylic thinner. Non-toxic water-based with no latex. Shake well before use. Includes stainless steel mixing ball. Contains: 17ml. *This Paint may contain a protective seal, remove before use. #acrylic #colours #greenstuffworld

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  • Mint Twister 17ml Acrylic Color 3237

    Mint Twister 17ml Acrylic Color 3237

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    Acrylic Color Acrylic paints with an opaque and smooth matt finish, especially designed for modelling and miniature painting. Formula curated and carefully developed by experienced artists using a new generation of pigments, the Acrylic Color range aims to provide a full spectrum of all basic tones and shades necessary for wargames, vehicles, miniatures and dioramas, as well as colours exclusive to GSW. Rich in high quality pigments, these colours will leave a fine homogenous layer of fast drying paint, respecting all details on the surface. Perfect for glazes and other techniques, making them adequate for experts and amateurs alike. Designed especially for brush painting, but Acrylic Color paints can be used with an airbrush when slightly diluted with acrylic thinner. Non-toxic water-based with no latex. Shake well before use. Includes stainless steel mixing ball. Contains: 17ml. *This Paint may contain a protective seal, remove before use. #acrylic #colours #greenstuffworld

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  • Yoda Green 17ml Acrylic Color 3232

    Yoda Green 17ml Acrylic Color 3232

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    Acrylic Color Acrylic paints with an opaque and smooth matt finish, especially designed for modelling and miniature painting. Formula curated and carefully developed by experienced artists using a new generation of pigments, the Acrylic Color range aims to provide a full spectrum of all basic tones and shades necessary for wargames, vehicles, miniatures and dioramas, as well as colours exclusive to GSW. Rich in high quality pigments, these colours will leave a fine homogenous layer of fast drying paint, respecting all details on the surface. Perfect for glazes and other techniques, making them adequate for experts and amateurs alike. Designed especially for brush painting, but Acrylic Color paints can be used with an airbrush when slightly diluted with acrylic thinner. Non-toxic water-based with no latex. Shake well before use. Includes stainless steel mixing ball. Contains: 17ml. *This Paint may contain a protective seal, remove before use. #acrylic #colours #greenstuffworld

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