They're not troublemakers. They're troublefinders.
One lovely morning, Pepe the Giant sneaked into the town with the help of little Roblin the Goblin and his invisibility spell. When the magic ran out, all the guards were alarmed. The giant didn't want to fight, but he kept saying: ‘Friends!’. Roblin explained that Pepe was not a threat to the town. He just wanted to live with his little ‘friend.’
Box Contains:
1x Pepe The Giant Miniature Set
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
119mm hoog, 50mm base
#pepe #giant #archon #studio #dungeons #lasers
Playable Characters
Heroes of all shapes and sizes unite, whether it's a stout pigman or a noble centaur, these chimeric characters come to life on your tabletop. Take on the role of one of these Heroic Hybrids and help to push back against the forces of Chaos.
- multipose miniatures
- fantastic detail
Box contains:
- Kutauři male x4
- Kutauri female x4
- Vepri male x4
- Vepri female x4
- Testuda male x4
- Testuda female x4
- Slitherer male x4
- Slitherer female x4
- Medusa male x4
- Medusa female x4
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
Tidors Beast Hunt
You're lost out in the wilderness, would you rather encounter a man or a bear? What about a man riding atop a bear? If you chose the latter option, then we have the perfect collection for you. Join Tidor and his retinue of Legendary Hunters as they go face to face with the many and varied Horrors of Deuslair.
- fantastic detailed
- optional Coeurl Riders
Box contains:
- Yeti
- Brain Squid x2
- Fire Wyrm
- Roblin on Ratasha
- Roblin the Goblin x2
- Dragon Huntress
- Possessed mass of flesh
- Coeurl x2
- Troll
- Scarecrow
- Vesth
- Tidor the Dwarf Chieftain
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
The Watcher in the Woods
Take heed brave traveler, for there are many unseen dangers lurking in the misty swamps of Deuslair. You feel unease, as if eyes are watching you from every rock, root and fauna; perhaps it is none other than the Mimic Dragon, a carnivorous hunter that can disguise itself amongst the gnarled and twisted trees that make up the surrounding woodland.
- easy to assemble
- 120 mm tall
- 75 mm base
Box contains:
- Mimic Dragon miniature
The model comes unpainted and unassembled.
Fear these claws!
Have you ever heard tales of the mythical Tarrasque? Well, it seems like those stories were not just mere legends. Get ready for a real showdown with the ultimate boss. My advice? Don't die!
1x Tarrasque
186 mm high 386 mm width
Please Note:
Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
This is a cozy place where all are embraced with open arms. You will hear interesting stories (some true, others a little less so), enjoy a warm and delicious meal, and experience captivating performances by talented local musicians. This place truly buzzes with life, but remember, there is one rule - what happens in the tavern, stays in the tavern.
27x Long Floor
31x Regular Floor
27x Long Wall
54x Regular Wall
23x Doorways
119x Trims
10x Regular Roof Piece
2x Concave Roof Piece
10x Convex Roof Piece
4x Fill Wall
5x Long Ballustrade
10x Regular Ballustrade
2x Stone Stairs
4x Wooden Stairs
144x Various Clips
256x Pegs
Please Note:
One Scales & Ales' Tavern set is supplied.
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and somse assembly will be required.
#fantasy #starter #set #grand #stronghold #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
The easiest way to get to know the city is by visiting the town centre. At first, all of these alleys may be confusing, but the townsfolk will be happy to help you find your way. You will pass merchants, craftsmen, guards, citizens and get acquainted with the main attractions and landmarks. Who knows, maybe your biggest adventure yet is waiting for you, just around the corner.
- Built-in grid - Compatible with every RPG system- 3 in 1 - Sidewalks, curbs, and streets in one terrain set.- Modular - Rebuild the streets in a matter of seconds.- Lanterns included - Easy to pin in and out.
Box Contains:
- 6x long sidewalk- 6x short sidewalk- 6x L-shaped sidewalk- 6x corner sidewalk- 6x long street- 6x short street - 20x street lanterns- 84x various clips- 128x pins
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#fantasy #starter #set #city #streets #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
Entering this dungeon is a real act of courage... or stupidity. Haven't you heard about all the dangers? Then let me give you some advice. Do not touch any switches because they will activate traps. Beware of hidden skeleton archers – they're aiming for the knees. Most of the chests are empty, so try to search the tombs. And if you face the big eyeball creature – run! Lord Bulbo knows no mercy.
Box Contains 42 pieces of:
6x Long Floor
9x Floor
8x Long wall
15x Wall
4x Doorway
40x floor clips
44x wall clips
64x Pins
26x vertical clips
70x customization bits
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#fantasy #starter #set #glory #doom #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
Dragon slayers' nightmareGhost Dragon kept the whole Woodhaven up at night for the last couple of weeks. All the huntsmen, town guards, and dragon slayers have been wondering what's the best way to chase the creature away. An old sage from a distant land claimed that a regular sword or magic could not fight this dragon. Ghost Dragon must unite with the rest of the spiritual world of this town. Only then Woodhaven will know peace.
Box Contains:
1x Ghost Dragon Miniature Set
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#ghost #dragon #archon #studio #5e #compatible #draak #clear #plastic
Behold the Ancient Prestige! Absalom boasts some of the finest - and oldest - buildings and monuments on the Inner Sea. Over the nearly 5 millennia since Aroden founded the city, Absalom has been built, rebuilt, and rebuilt again, resulting in a tapestry of architectural styles as diverse as the countless citizens and visitors who throng its streets and markets.
With a few plastic clicks, build a real tavern or city hall on your gaming table. Place your miniatures, including the innkeeper, and roll for the initiative!
And forget about glue - this city was designed by the finest Architects.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in a tabletop scale with 30 mm visible grids and 25mm half-height walls.
Box contains:
- 12 x floors
- 24 x walls
- 6 x doors
- 6 x doorways
- 42 x customization bits
The terrain comes unpainted and unassembled.
Enter the megadungeon! Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago. Brave heroes must venture into a dungeon full of beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful villain from rising again.
With a few plastic clicks, turn your favorite map into a real dungeon on your gaming table. Place your miniatures, including mimics, and roll for the initiative! Walls will move revealing hidden areas, doors will be unlocked and treasures discovered. All is up to you, Adventurer.
Forget about glue - Belcorra’s magic will do the trick.
Dungeons & Lasers terrains are manufactured in a tabletop scale with 30mm visible grids and 25mm half-height walls.
Box contains:
- 12 x floors
- 24 x walls
- 6 x doors
- 6 x doorways
- 21 x customization bits
The terrain comes unpainted and unassembled.
Slashed, pierced, or gutted - these are the only outcomes when fighting one of the three infamous division leaders of the forces of Chaos. Mahazeal, leader of the Wraiths and the Soulless, reaps the life essence of his enemies with a massive scythe. Volard of the Impalers can penetrate through any armor, with not even the sturdiest Dwarves being able to stand in his way. The Gourmet and his insatiable hunger devour entire armies, feasting on fear and flesh. Who could possibly stop such terrifying abominations?
- 3 x 50mm scenic bases included
- intricate detail
- three large models on 50mm bases, 80-110mm tall
- an excellent addition to the 'Armies of Deuslair' set
- unique and original model designs
The box contains:
1 x Mahazeal
1 x Volard
1 x Gourmet
The models come unpainted and unassembled.
Liquid fire, forged by the gods of creation...
Centuries ago, there was a massive volcano where people made offerings to their gods. One day, the volcano collapsed, leaving only a small crack filled with running lava. Today it's the favorite place of smiths, scholars, and a few belivers of an old, forgetten religion.
Modular - build your lava flash Universal use - compatible with every RPG system Clear plastic – the secret ingredient that makes the lava look even more realistic
Box contains:
- 3x straight lava segment - 3x curved lava segment - 1x rocky cascade segment - 1x lava tailout segment - various clips
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
The keeper of secrets masks her past to face the future
Possessing both unparalleled beauty and intelligence, she chooses to stay in isolation, slowly gathering knowledge. As a giant, she has seen empires rise and fall, so who knows what kind of important information she possesses? One thing is for sure - ask about her past and you will quickly find yourself removed from the ruins she resides in.
- Stunning Quality
- Optional Mask
Contents: YGRID THE GIANTESS model
Light up your torches adventurers!Descend into a Dwarven mine, a forgotten and mysterious place once filled with the sounds of hammers and laughter. Now, people say it's abandoned... or is it?With a few plastic clicks, turn your favorite map into a real dungeon on your gaming table. Place your miniatures, including mimics, and roll for the initiative! Walls will move to reveal hidden areas, doors will be unlocked, and treasures will be discovered. It is all up to you, Adventurers.Forget about paint and glue: this is solid, dwarven craft.
- fully pre-painted with Prisma Cast™ technology- assemble and play in a matter of minutes- functional doors- intricate detail- half-height walls for better visibility
- 6x double floor- 6x single floor- 6x long wall- 24x short wall- 6x doorway- 6x door- 6x lamp post- 12x torch
Pre-painted! Requires manual assembly
Enhance your village with these novel constructions! The tower provides a vantage point to supervise your residents' diligent endeavors, while a cage stands ready for those who dare to defy. And don't forget comfy homes for all, even the Goblins get a slice of the good life!
- Easy assembly - Cut and glue the parts with ease!- Rich in details - Looks good both on the shelf and on the mat.- Durable plastic - Impact and damage resistant.- Various sizes - From a relatively small cage to a sizeable tower.
Box contains:
- Goblin's Hut- Swamp Hut- Watch Tower- Cage- Highlander Hut
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#village #pack #fantasy #tabletop #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
Immerse yourself in a mystical world that perfectly captures the atmosphere of bygone eras. The ruins you encountered have lasted for centuries, witnessing more than a few events that have made it into the annals of history. As you know, the past has many stories to tell...
- Clear plastic - Perfect solution for glass-like parts.- Durability - Impact and damage resistant.- Rich in details - Looks good both on the shelf and on the mat.- Easy assembly - Cut and glue the parts with ease!
Box contains:
- Gate of the Sun- Elven Stained Glass- Gate of Might- Elven Pillar- Fountain of Forget- 4 various mushrooms- 2 various thorns- 3 various plants- Place Long Forgotten- Obelisk of Dread- Chainbreaker- Speaking Stone- Creepy Monument- Monolith- Spider Lair- 4 various direction signs- 2 various excavations- Wooden Crane- Stone Horse- 5 various bushes- 4 various spiderwebs- Shaman's Tent- Good Ol' Hut- Legionarre's Tent- Spirit Totem- Vulture on Remains
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#fantasy #starter #set #ancient #ruins #scatter #terrain #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
Forget about creaking or slipperiness!
It’s not an easy job to build solid stairs. However, our talented constructors managed to cover all of the requirements of the Mayor's office. Stairs have to be wooden or stone, properly elevated steps, and most importantly - sturdy. Thanks to this investment, there are fewer accidents and fewer broken ladders.
Box contains:
2x Stone Stairs set
2x Wooden Stairs set
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#RPG #terrain #modular #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #stairs #wooden #stone
Let yourself be swept away by the extravagance and taste the luxury of the Tudor mansion. You needn't lift a finger, as loyal servants will attend to your every need. Here, you can leave behind the petty intrigues of town life and immerse yourself in the tranquil seclusion of your home.
- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash- Built-in grid - Compatible with every RPG- High-quality sculpts - Exquisite details worthy of admiration.- Double-sided walls - Beautiful finishes on the walls from both sides catch the eye
Box contains:
- 3x long floor tiles- 3x regular floor tiles- 3x doorways- 3x long double-sided walls- 6x regular double-sided walls- 3x trims- various clips and pins
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#RPG #terrain #modular #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #tudor #mansion
Pay your tribute!
We made a pact with the hungry troll - by giving him one cow every month, we’re safe from his wrath. For two cows, Yahazzal protects our farms from bandits and beasts. It’s good to have him on our side, especially during winter. He’s a good troll but completely out of control when he's starving. Trust me, you don't want to end up in his soup.
Box Contains:
1x Yahazzal The Hungry Troll Miniature Set
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
84mm hoog, 50mm base
#yahazzal #troll #archon #studio #dungeons #lasers
The architect ensured us that the roof is solid and would effectively protect the residents from adverse weather conditions. From now on, the rain will never fall on your head again! At least until a giant, dragon, or sorcerer visits… But the rain would be the least of your concerns at that point.
Concave and convex corners - Perfect for building multi-pitched roofsTile-like structure - Manufactured to resemble actual tilesSturdy design - Various clips hold your entire design in placeModular - Build your terrain in a flash.
Box contains:
- 8x basic roof pieces- 4x concave corners- 8x convex corners- 8x fill walls- 24x double-sided trims- 18x various wood-like trims- 18x various stone-like trims- 42x various clips- 64x pins
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
Compatible with the modular terrain series.
Forged in the eternal dance between two deities, Chaos and Order, the world ofDeuslair is rife with danger at every turn. As a humble servant to your curiosity, I’vefaced these perils, meticulously chronicling them for your enlightenment.This bestiary captures only a fraction of the wonders witnessed during my numeroustravels across this land. Yet, each entry, filled with my knowledge, serves asa testament to the horrifying existence of these creatures—their anatomy, primalinstincts, and the terrors unleashed upon hapless souls who cross their path.I present to you the Deuslair Bestiary.The Best Sailor of the Misty Waters,Alchemist, Cartographer, Scholar,and a humble chronicler of History,Van Kler
- 160 pages- hardcover- 50+ entries describing groups of creatures or organizations.- 150+ diverse encounter choices.- Descriptions of unique ecosystems.- Game Master hooks for introducing each creature.- 5E statistics and system-agnostic descriptions.- Extra space for Game Master notes or other system statistics.- Statistics for playable races.
The echoes of the long-forgotten god grow louder and louder. As the forces ofChaos rally, a group of unlikely heroes emerges, bearing the weight of a dauntingquest—to unite the world of Deuslair against the common threat.Prepare for an epic RPG campaign that will take you on a journey where diplomacyis as important as blades and spells. Convincing the divided rulers of Deuslairto put aside their ancient grievances and unite against Chaos won’t be an easy task.The book contains extensive and detailed information about the world of Deuslair.Explore the floating islands of the Republic of Misty Waters, unravel corruptioneating out human nation of Dragsa, journey to the mysterious Banewood Asylum,a refuge for human-beast hybrids that escaped the rule of the Undying QueenAnara, or discover the intricacies of many other lands in this world.Adventure awaits! Will you be the savior Deuslair needs, or will you let darknessprevail and join their side?
- 287 pages- hardcover- Dark fantasy RPG campaign.- Multiple different endings.- Modular design - adjust story lenght and atmosphere.- Challenge players' beliefs and morality.- Complex descriptions of the world of Deuslair.- 10+ unique regions in the world.
On the road to victory!Every adventure always begins with the very first step - whether it's on the cobblestone roads of the city or a dirt path leading to a bandit camp, the path you take will determine your future
- Variety of 25mm and 50mm bases- Intricate detail- 34 unique designs
- 12x 50mm bases- 124x 25mm bases
Requires manual assembly and painting.
Best Left Undisturbed.
Few know what terrors lie beneath the city's surface, although murmurs of cultists in the city have reached the ears of some taverngoers. Occasionally, screams can be heard near the city's sewers but even the guards aren't willing to investigate. The dangers that lurk within these halls require someone with keen eyes, lest the darkness that dwells here will take you away next...
diverse themes - exploring the underground doesn't have to be dull!
massive size - your average kitchen table might not be enough
modular - build & rebuild your own adventures any way you please
- 4x double water tile- 4x single water tile- 4x outer corner- 4x inner corner- 4x short sidewalk- 8x long sidewalk- 32x double wall- 61x single wall- 22x doorway- 26x double floor- 33x single floor- 4x fantasy pillar
Requires manual assembly and painting.
Ancient secrets lie here, forgotten by the passage of time...Grab your nearest shovel and head out - it's time to uncover mysterious treasures at a ruin left behind by an ancient people! It's unfortunate that they disappeared without a trace... On second thought, maybe it's sometimes better to let sleeping gods lie
Long wall x 2Weathered Arch x 2Column remains x 2Short Wall x 2Toppled Column A x 2Toppled Column B x 2Arches of the Ancestors x 4Giant hand remains x 1Vulture x 1Giant head remains x 1Atlas statue remains set x 1Ancient Chapel x1
- Instant set up- Monumental scale- Designed for miniatures- Easy to paint
Requires manual assembly and painting
Within the mystical Sorcerer's Spire, an obsidian sphere stands and exudes ancient magic. Shadowy chambers guard forgotten spells while the spire reaches for distant stars with its celestial observatories. Here, time bends and weaves, unveiling the tower's timeless allure.
- High-quality sculpts - A simply magical design!- Built-in grid - Compatible with every RPG system.- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash.- Double-sided walls - Different theme on the inside and outside.
Height 55cm, width 42cm and depth 31cm
Box contains:
29 x regular floor tiles29 x long floor tiles58 x regular walls29 x long walls29 x doorways4 x stone stairs4 x wooden stairs18 x regular balustrades9 x long balustrades4 x regular roof pieces4 x convex roof pieces1 x rooftop140 x trims176 x clips112 x pins
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#fantasy #starter #set #sorcerer #spire #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
As you venture into these uncharted lands, make sure that your boat is well-protected. The creatures inhabiting this place will gladly ensure that you won't be able to escape their clutches. Moreover, do not trust every sound that reaches your ears, for these trees revel in playing tricks on wanderers, luring them into their haunting embrace. Once you set foot onto the platform, you may find temporary respite, but beware... the true journey has only just begun.
- Rich in details - Every inch of this place gives goosebumps.- Easy assembly - Cut and glue the parts with ease!- Durable plastic - You can ensure the platform won't break during the fight.- Gaming map - Double-sided paper mat with and without grid included
Box contains:
- 1x sailboat- 6x swamp tree- 3x large dry-land patch- 3x medium dry-land patch- 3x small dry-land patch- 1x pier module (1x3)- 4x pier module (1x4)- 1x pier module (2x2)- 1x downed tree- 2x fish baskets- 1x dried fish rack- 1x cow carrion- 1x sunken boat- 1x drying fishing net- 1x garbage patch- 1x huge catch
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#swaps #doom #miniatures #pack #28mm #D&D #E5 #RPG #boardgame #tabletop
Its sharp claws, long tongue, and terrifying eyes warn everyone to stay away. Unfortunately, there's always that one man who needs to prove his bravery. Well then... now he can proudly represent the fresh Wyvern manicure.
- 140mm (5,5") tall- High-quality sculpts- Customizable base
Box contains:
- Wyvern model- Customizable scenic base
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#wyvern #dragon #archon #studio #5e #compatible #draak #plastic
You stand before an exceptional, century-old tower, knowing you will be the first to enter. Nobody has ever succeeded yet. As you examine your surroundings, you see the walls that withstood the struggles of previous warriors who attempted to break through. And now, you will be the one to reach the reward.
- Modular -Build your terrain in a flash- Built-in grid - Compatible with every RPG game- High-quality sculpts - Every single brick matters- Double-sided walls - Solid, unbreakable walls from both sides
Box contains:
- 3x long floor tiles- 3x regular floor tiles- 3x doorways- 3x long double-sided walls- 6x regular double-sided walls- 3x trims- various clips and pins
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#RPG #terrain #modular #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #stone #tower
While walking through the castle's corridors, you admire the magnificent embellishments, beautiful designs, and sheer luxury of the place. It reminds you of the responsibility that comes with the position of being a Royal. A sense of gratitude fills your heart for the rare chance given to you to serve and lead your people.
- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash- Built-in grid - Compatibile with every RPG game- High-quality sculpts - A design worthy of a royal family- Double-sided walls - Solid finishes on both sides
Box contains:
- 3x long floor tiles- 3x regular floor tiles- 3x doorways- 3x long double-sided walls- 6x regular double-sided walls- 3x trims- various clips and pins
Requires manual assembly and painting
#RPG #terrain #modular #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #royal #castle
Beware the abode of the legendary summoner. Traveling through the halls of such a place can be fraught with danger, as the dark magic of the demons can be unbearable for an ordinary traveler. Without proper knowledge and preparation, one may unwillingly unleash forces they cannot control...
- Modular -Build your terrain in a flash- Built-in grid - Compatibile with every RPG game- Double-sided walls - Great exterior and interior design- High-quality sculpts - Dozens of books and magical symbols are waiting for you
Box contains:
- 3x long floor tiles- 3x regular floor tiles- 3x doorways- 3x long double-sided walls- 6x regular double-sided walls- various clips and pins
Requires manual assembly and painting
#RPG #terrain #modular #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #warlock #altar
Although they are rarely visited, the city's sewers are often a meeting place for those who prefer not to reveal their identity. By going down, you'll meet both petty thieves and dangerous thugs. However, the sewers hide many yet-undiscovered mysteries, so who knows what awaits you there. Maybe you'll experience an exciting adventure or find a hidden treasure? It's time to find out!
- Transparent water - manufactured with clear plastic;- Double-sided walls- Looks amazing on the inside and outside- Built-in grid - Compatible with every RPG system- Modular - Build your terrain in a flash
Box contains:
- 1x Nubble mini on a 50mm scenic base- 4x Full water tile (clear plastic)- 4x Full water half-tile (clear plastic)- 8x Long sidewalk (clear plastic)- 4x L-shaped sidewalk (clear plastic)- 4x Short sidewalk (clear plastic)- 4x Corner (clear plastic)- 8x Long double-sided wall- 12x Double-sided wall- 4x Doorway- 84x Various clips- 64x Pins
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#sewer #riool #set #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame #archon #DNL #dungeons #lasers
Introducing the safest place in the whole kingdom, a mighty stronghold! Its magnificence never fails to leave anyone spellbound. In times of crisis, its labyrinthine corridors can house all of the residents, and the bountiful supplies hoarded in the towers could feed and ensure the prosperity of the populace. If the rumors are to be believed, an enchanting aura pervades its very structure, rendering it a sight that leaves all in wonder.
- HIGH-QUALITY SCULPTS - Finishes worthy of a true king- BUILT-IN GRID - Compatible with every RPG system- DOUBLE-SIDED WALLS - Formidable walls on both sides, designed to withstand any assault- ENORMOUS SIZE: A great castle at a great price
Box contains:
- 50x regular walls- 25x long walls- 25x doorways- 25x regular floor tiles- 25x long floor tiles- 125x trims- 2x regular balustrades- 1x long balustrades- 18x regular battlements- 9x long battlements- 4x regular roof pieces- 4x convex roof pieces- 2x stone stairs- 2x fantasy stairs- 139x various clips
Requires manual assembly and painting.
#fantasy #starter #set #grand #stronghold #32mm #D&D #E5 #compatible #boardgame
Build unique rooms with customization bits. All the interiors will require some proper equipment. This pack provides you with computers, lamps, turrets, security cameras, mines, supply crates, med-chambers, and many, many more! Are you ready to defend or your spaceship, or you're the one who infiltrates the facility?
Box Contains:
64x various scenery bits
All models come unpainted and unassembled.
#sci-fi #customization #bits #archon #studio #scenery #32mm