Box Contents
12 Plastic Miniatures (with the option of making Catabolic Nodes)
3 Infantry Plastic Stands
12 Bases
1 Command Cards
Product Information
Assembly: Required.
Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g
Material: Plastic
Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
Desolation Drones are some of the most feared troops that the Spires can deploy despite their humble origins. Once no more than disposable spawning pool disinfectants, it did not take long for some enterprising Biomancer to see what the effect of the digestive liquids they sprayed on the vats would have on the battlefield. His immediate promotion granted him all the resources he would need to update the weaponry to deliver the liquids from afar. Though the range still leaves something to be desired, the base trooper design remains unchanged allowing for very efficient production to replace the unavoidable losses.
How they Play:
Tool turned mighty weapon, these Drones are tasked with suppressing Enemy formations while they are caught up engaging with the rest of the Spire force. Powerful Reprocessing Agents force Enemy Regiments to drop their guard while their weapon's Armor Piercing capabilities ensure that little is left after each salvo.
For those among the gifted, there can be no greater accomplishment than to be named a Sorcerer by the Elemental Courts. Bonded to a Deva and capable of exploring their primordial Domain, Sorcerers have delved into secrets of sorcery their purely mortal counterparts can only dream of. Few and far between to begin with, these extended sojourns into the Elemental Domains, and their inherent dangers make Sorcerers rare upon the battlefields of Ea, but when present, they make their presence known through howling blasts and ritual sorcery, dominating the battlefield while safely protected by their loving subjects.
How they Play:
The Sorcerer is a mighty Spellcaster, able to control entire Warbands of powerful Elemental troops and support them with poweful magic. Like all Sorcerer Kings' Characters the Sorcerer is able to choose between spells from the court of Air or Fire which will in turn provide Mainstay Regiments of that Element. Like all Character Stands in the Army, Sorcerers have access to Spells and Rituals unique to them putting heavy emphasis on synergies between the Spellcaster and the Elemental Regiments of the same Element. The Sorcerer is a perfect fit for the Player who enjoys entire Warbands of Elemental troops doubling down on the inherent aggressiveness of these troops.
WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.
Box Contents:
● 1 Resin Miniature● 1 Infantry Base and Stand● 1 Command Card
Product Information:
● Assembly: Required● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm● Box size: 10.4 x 7.4 x 3.8 cm; 114gr
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment● Class: Medium● Type: Brute
Split into countless small enclaves scattered across the vast expanse of the Ruby Shores, the Efreet have escaped the fate of the Ghols and retained their higher function. Strong, proud and vengeful, only their fractious nature has allowed the Sorcerer Kings to bow these powerful combatants to their will. Flamecasters excel at ranged support and disrupting the foe, while Sword Dancers wade into combat with a malicious glee that is terrifying to behold.How they Play:
Malicious elemental beings, the Efreet embody the aggressive nature of the Court of Fire branding Enemy Regiments with Infernal Markers and extending the sorcerous prowess of Fire Spellcasters. Upon their deaths their souls feed the Sorcerous Rituals of Fire giving them one last chance to exact revenge. Make sure to include Efreet Flamecasters for some powerful short ranged support and Efreet Sword Dancers to form your Army's infernal battle lines!
Box Contents
● Dual Kit. Contains 3 Plastic Miniatures (Efreet Flamecasters/Efreet Sword Dancers)● 3 Brute Plastic Stands● 3 Brute Bases● 2 Command Cards
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
Well equipped, thoroughly trained and highly motivated, the Rajakur infantry are the backbone of the Enclaves’ military might. Clad from head to toe in heavy chain, bearing finely crafted shields and maces, the Rajakur infantry can be trusted to hold their ground against all comers. Their loyalty and professionalism are heavily rewarded, allowing veterans of two enlistments to move on to a wealthy landowning retirement, a privilege reserved only for those who have served in the army.
How they Play:Well trained and determined, the Rajakur are the trusted bodyguards of your force's Characters. Able to hold their ground against all comers they are the premier Regiment to accompany your Warlord onto the thick of the battle.
Box Contents
● Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures● 3 Infantry Plastic Stands● 12 Bases● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm
A supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This W’adrhŭn set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Blooded and Veterans, a set each of 3 Thunder Riders and Raptor Riders, plus the Chieftain character. Each starter set will have a well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a 5th Anniversary Decal and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands. A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately.
How they play:
W’adrhŭn are an elite, aggressive, army that must maintain an aggressive tempo and seize the initiative. Their unique War Chant mechanic allows each unit to chant a portion of a battlecry, growing in power as it reaches a crescendo, allowing the units that chant the Finale to receive significant bonuses to offense defense and mobility depending on which member of the pantheon the chant is dedicated to. While the W’adrhŭn pay for their elite infantry and vicious dinosaur cavalry dearly, the flexibility afforded to them by the War Chants allows them to cover ground fast, hit harder and last longer than their raw stats would seem to indicate as you push the attack and build up powerful abilities on your units at the same time. Coupled with the wide variety of monster the W’adrhŭn can field, this makes for a powerful offensive force.
Box Contents
● 1 Chieftain● 12 Blooded/Braves● 12 Veterans● 3 Thunder Riders● 3 Raptor Riders● 24 Infantry Bases and the required Stands● 6 Cavalry Bases and Stands● 6 Command Cards● Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Quick Start Guide● Conquest: First Blood Quick Start Guide● Wadrhun Path of Conquest Brochure● Assembly Instructions● 5th Anniversary Measuring Tool● Foldable paper Map of EA● 5th Anniversary Logo Decal
Product Information
● Assembly: Required● Box size: 30.5x17x19.5cm; 1520grs● Material: Plastic, Resin● Scale: 38mm
#wadrhun #conquest #supercharged #starter #set #2024
5th Anniversary Remix Artisan Series Resin monster kit. Upgraded and updated sculpt with for a new look and a superior assembly that brings gamer quality of life improvements.
Abominations were originally an advanced and cruel form of punishment, devised on a whim by the Sovereign. Ensconced deep within an Abomination lies the body of an Exile who has betrayed his trust or breached the most sacrosanct of Spire laws. Survivors speak of a keening whine, just on the verge of hearing that pervades their memories, a sound that registers deeper than the cries of their fallen comrades. This is the only sound an Abomination can make, the only sound it is allowed to make: a keening howl to convey the depth of their misery and torment.
Invasive cerebral procedures impairs the cognitive function of the condemned, as chemical and hormonal treatments are applied to make them lose control of their Life-Binding gifts and forcibly bond them to a lower organism. The humble ant’s instinctive hierarchical physiology somehow made it more susceptible to Pheromonic command, forcing the body to respond to orders while allowing compromised psyche trapped within the hellish amalgam only enough control to wail its anguish even while enacting the will of its tormentors.
How They Play:
Fast moving and deadly, the Abominations act as the Underspire's monstrous hammer to its Drone anvil. Armed with vicious claws and deadly intent it is perfect for those who seek to quickly maneuver around Enemy flanks and punish enemy Regiments foolish enough to expose their flanks to the Abomination's flurry of blows.
Box Contents:
● 1 Monster Resin Miniature● 1 Monster Base and Stand● 1 Command Card● Assembly Instructions.
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster● Class: Heavy● Type: Monster
Product Information:
● Assembly: Required● Box size: 30x30x6cm; 410gr● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 15cm.
While the greatest standing a Dweghom Warrior can attain is that of Hold Raegh, not all Raeghs are equal. The greatest amongst them are granted the title of Bergont Raegh and granted the honour of taking the hold’s own banner into battle atop the back of the only creature strong enough to bear its weight: the Ironclad Drake. So powerful and deep is this honour, that this honour persists beyond death, his remains riding to battle atop the Ironclad Drake until another might match his achievements and claim his title.
How they Play:
Riding an Ironclad Drake is the supreme symbol of Aghm. A Hold Raegh who has achieved such feats to earn the right to ride a Drake seeks only more formidable and larger adversaries. Such a Raegh merely needs direction towards the nearest monster or any other seemingly "unyielding" obstacle.
Box Contents
● 1 Resin Miniature● 1 Infantry Base● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm
Clad in a shell of Dweghom-worked steel, an Ironclad Drake is a primordial incarnation of battle. Its already tough hide has been covered in thick iron plates, its vulnerable head and neck encased in steel. Warlike and proud like no other race, it should come as little surprise that the Dweghom have taken to displaying the might and prowess of their hold and history from the back of these powerful beasts. The greatest warriors among their kind, the Hold Raeghs, can often be seen riding these lumbering beasts, their swaying gait making the banners hanging from it ripple even as their roars drown the din of battle. This set arrives to you with three different posable heads so you can customize your warrior. Be sure to add the Raegh Drake Rider for added game play benefit (sold separately)
How they Play:
These formidable beasts are utilized in battle as mounts, and even after their rider's demise, they persist in their unending servitude, bearing the body and colors of their eternal master. In the Dweghom culture, "eternal" often means "until the next Dweghom rises with enough Aghm to claim this magnificent beast as their own mount." This notion alone motivates Dweghom in the presence of such a creature to fight with unmatched zeal, amplifying the ferocity of Dweghom attacks to unparalleled heights. This isn't even considering the presence of a powerful, fully-armored Drake wreaking havoc on enemy front lines.
Box Contents
● 1 Plastic Monster Miniature● 1 Monster Stand● 1 Monster Base● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required● Box size: 30x30x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 18.1cm
In Game Role
• Battlefield Role: Restricted Monster• Class: Heavy• Type: Monster
A premium plastic monster kit. No creations of the Spire embody both the Directorates pursuits of efficiency and the Sovereigns quest for perfection as does the Siegebreaker Behemoth. Its limbs are designed to dig, climb and still strike with such force it cavitates the very air, producing a thunderous boom that dwarfs the sound of its impact, shredding metal, pulverizing stone and obliterating flesh. Its sinuous serpentine body is almost nothing but muscle and armour, sacrificing everything for power, mobility and durability. Its nervous system is a complex mix of simple systems that govern its movement and complex self-referencing pain and pleasure receptors attuned only to its hearing. This is intentional, for its control is established by frequencies known only to its master, who dispenses pain or pleasure ensuring the compliance and good behaviour of this unstoppable behemoth.
How they Play:
The Spires design their creations for specific tasks, and this mighty behemoth lives up to its name: it breaks sieges. With a few, yet extraordinarily powerful attacks, the Siegebreaker dismisses any attempt at defense or protection from its assaults. When enemies establish robust defensive lines, these behemoths effortlessly shatter them.
Box Contents
● 1 Plastic Miniatures● 1 Monster Stand● 1 Monster Base● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x30x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 18.1cm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Restricted Monster● Class: Heavy● Type: Monster
The presence of the Ukunfazane, the Living Goddess, among the W’adrhun, ensures that the population at large is devout; the Cults, composed of those W’adrhun who dedicate their lives to the worship and emulation of their patron God, take this a step further. The Chosen of Conquest are the most prolific of these Cults, its Chosen warriors present in almost every tribe. Speed and discipline, coupled with the Goddess’ gifts, allow the Chosen of Conquest to always be where they need to be on the battlefield, blunting the enemy’s advance and turning the tide with flawlessly executed assaults. This kit will also make a Veterans force, but the same is not true in reverse.
How they PlayElite troops, being able to bring a mix of naturally high offensive and defensive stats, making the pound-for-pound the most versatile W'adrhun Infantry Regiment coming at a significant price but their Medium classification allowing them to excel against even heavier Regiments they will encounter later on as the battle unfolds
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry ● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
Box Contents
● Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Chosen of Conquest/Veterans, with the option of making their respective command models)● 3 Plastic Infantry Stands ● 12 Bases ● 2 Command Card.
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300g● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 5.5cm
#conquest #w'adrhun #chosen #medium #infantry
This Spires set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Bound Clones, Marksman Clones and Vanguard Clones, a set of 3 Brute Drone Brutes, and the High Clone Executor character. Each starter set will a very thorough First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are BOTH rulebooks for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, and all bases and stands. A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately. How do the Spires play? Spires are able to field a variety of options, from hordes of drones, to ranks of combat ready clones, and even elite armies composed entirely of war beasts and Avatara suits. Speed is the favored weapon of the Spires, making them faster than their enemies and capable of further leveraging this advantage via Biomancies and Pheromancies which allow them to push their soldiers past their limits, making them stronger, faster, and deadlier, at the cost of their own lives. However, Spire would not waste lives so inefficiently, so they have incredibly powerful healing abilities to ensure that your creations die when you say it is time for them to die. Their battleplans revolve around up trading their units with the opponents by using their Biomancies.Read more about the Spires here -
Box Contents
3 Brute Drones
12 Bound Clones / Onslaught Drones
12 Vanguard Clones / Vanguard Infiltrators
12 Marksmen Clones
1 High Clone Executor
37 Infantry Bases and Stands
3 Cavalry Bases and Stands
7 Command Cards
Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Paperback Rulebook
Conquest: First Blood Paperback Rulebook
Path of Conquest Guide
Assembly Instructions
Product Information
Assembly: Required
Box size: 30.5x17x19.5 cm; 1800gr
Material: Plastic regiments. Plastic Character
Scale: 38mm
#conquest #starterset #spires #one #player #starter #2023
While the W’adrhûn experiment was a resounding success, a certain amount of genetic… divergence is to be expected amongst so young a race. Aberrations are those W’adrhun of the later generations whose adrenal system is simply incompatible with anything other than fighting. Their presence among a troop of W’adrhun Blooded can make them even more lethal on the field, fighting on even when impaled on enemy weapons.
Box Contents
● 1 Resin Command Upgrade Miniature● 1 Infantry Plastic Base
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade● Type: Infantry
#conquest #w'adrhun #aberration #tlaok #wadrhun
Null Mages are gifted in each of the four elements. While no human could hope to reach the pinnacle of power that a Dweghom Sorcerer could muster, it is a known truism that it is easier to destroy than create. Given his access to all of the elements it is almost trivially easy for a Null Mage to dispel the efforts of even the most powerful mage, allowing the Hunter Cadre that hired him to finish the job safely and efficiently.
Box Contents
● 1 Resin Command Upgrade Miniature● 1 Infantry Plastic Base
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade● Type: Infantry
#hundred #kingdoms #commander #upgrade #null #mage
Forgoing any attempt to create a viable organism that could meet their expectations the Directorate instead cultured individual organs to their specifications and assembled them over a reinforced skeleton. Sacrificing almost all attempts at elegance in return for function, the Incarnates are the most successful efforts of the Directorate at overcoming the limits of flesh.
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Restricted Brute Unit● Class: Heavy● Type: Brute
Box Contents
● 3 Plastic Miniatures ● 3 Cavalry Stands● 3 Bases ● 1 Command Card
Includes printed assembly instructions!
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 18 x 18 x 9 cm; 410g● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 8cm
#incarnate #sentinels #spires #conquest
The training regime of the Steel Legion is as legendary as the unit itself. Those who have failed it speak with the harshest words to describe it, recounting drills and abuses, both physical and mental, and pressure that are hard to believe. Be such claims true or not, one thing is certain: every single man and woman of the Steel Legion has gone through it and their effectiveness on the field is undeniable, while their performance under the harshest of circumstances unfaltering. While the worth of each of the Legionnaires is unquestioned, an observant eye can see the source of their performance; for in the presence of their Drillmasters, the Legion’s fervor and aggression is unstoppable. After all, it only makes sense for one to perform better when someone screams at one’s ear during combat, asking what one’s major malfunction is.
Box Contents
1 Resin Miniature
1 Infantry Base
Product Information
Assembly: Required. Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs
Material: Resin
Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4.4cm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade
The training regime of the Steel Legion is as legendary as the unit itself. Those who have failed it speak with the harshest words to describe it, recounting drills and abuses, both physical and mental, and pressure that are hard to believe. Be such claims true or not, one thing is certain: every single man and woman of the Steel Legion has gone through it and their effectiveness on the field is undeniable, while their performance under the harshest of circumstances unfaltering. While the worth of each of the Legionnaires is unquestioned, an observant eye can see the source of their performance; for in the presence of their Drillmasters, the Legion’s fervor and aggression is unstoppable. After all, it only makes sense for one to perform better when someone screams at one’s ear during combat, asking what one’s major malfunction is.
#hundred #kingdoms #commander #upgrade #drillmaster
Those cultists who lack the ambition or brilliance required to reach unlife on their own terms are granted one final chance to become one with their Lord. In the final hours of their life they climb onto a bonfire lit with the unholy flames of the Pyre. Kheres are the animated charred remains of those who manage not to go insane, the Moroi are not so lucky…
Box Contents
● Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Kheres/Moroi, with the option of making their respective command models)● 3 Infantry Plastic Stands ● 12 Bases● 2 Command Cards
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry● Class: Light● Type: Infantry
#conquest #kheres #old #dominion #light #infantry
There are occasions where even the Spires see the merit of reducing casualties amongst their forces. This is where the Ward Preceptor steps in. With his preternatural reflexes and heavy armor, this elite warrior seems to be everywhere at once, his massive tower shield covering any gaps the Spire forces may have left in their defenses.
Box Contents
● 1 Resin Command Upgrade Miniature● 1 Infantry Plastic Base
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade
#command #upgrade #spires #conquest #elite #warrior
Towering over 6 meters, a Mountain Jotnar is a primordial force of destruction on the battlefield. Their powerful limbs can shatter a shield line in a single blow, hurling full grown men through the air like they were toys.
Box Contents
● 1 Plastic Miniature with 2 alternative heads and alternative shoulder decoration● 1 Monster Stand● 1 Monster Base ● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 30x30x5cm; 410gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 13.9cm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster● Class: Heavy● Type: Monster
#jotnar #mountain #nords #conquest
The steel and stone bodies of an Inferno Automaton encase a raging furnace that burns the smoldering remains of a beast of Destruction. Weakened by defeat, this demonic spirit is bound to the towering metal frame, infusing the Automaton with the cruel intellect and unfettered aggression of this tortured spirit. Steel and stone warp and buckle under the baleful influence of this infernal passenger, granting the Inferno Automata their demonic visages and cruel claws.
Powered by its furnace and driven by the cruel intellect that permeates it, the Inferno Automata is a terror on the battlefield whose piston driven limbs can propel their incandescent bodies across the battlefield with blistering speed. Once in combat the demonic nature of the spirit that inhabits it becomes readily apparent as they rend those opponent who survive the blistering heat and toxic fumes of its furnace limb from limb, growling and hissing with pleasure throughout the entire grisly affair.
Box Contents
● 3 Plastic Miniatures ● 3 Cavalry Stands● 3 Bases ● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 8.8cm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Light Brute, Fast, Anti- Light Infantry● Class: Light● Type: Brute
#conquest #inferno #automata #dweghom
To behold a Hold Raegh on the field of war is to witness a Paragon of his craft at the very pinnacle of his prowess. To rise to the position of Raegh, a Dweghom must reach a value of Aghm determined by the Mnemancers of each hold (considering the population, productivity, history and achievements of the Hold in question) while surpassing all others. In a society as militarized as the Dweghom, there is only one path that can lead to such heights: the craft of war. In the early stages of his prospective career, an aspiring candidate earns his Aghm directly: feats of arms and valor at the trials, and later the field of battle.
Box Contents
● 1 Plastic Miniature ● 1 Base ● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Normal.● Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Character● Class: Heavy● Type: Character, Infantry
#conquest #hold #raegh dweghom #
Lacking the mental prowess to join the Directory or the beauty to serve the Lineages directly as domestics, the vast majority of clones decanted find their way into the ranks of the Bound, the professional forces each Sovereign Lineage keeps on retainer. Clothed, fed, equipped, and trained at the Lineage’s expense, these soldiers are kept on standby for those tasks that require a fully cognizant mind and could not be entrusted to a servile drone. This should not lead one to think that their lives mean more to their masters, but rather that their masters expect more for the investment into their continued existence.
Box Contents
Dual Kit. 12 Plastic Miniatures (Bound Clones/Onslaught Drones, with the option of making their respective command models)
3 Infantry Plastic Stands
12 Bases
2 Command Cards
Product Information
Assembly: Required.
Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g
Material: Plastic
Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
#bound #clones #spires #conquest
Faction Tasters introduce a Character and an array of eight to twelve Infantry Regiment models, offering the chance to sample the models of each faction and engage in hours of hobby time to paint and base them! As a bonus, the Tasters offer an entry point to one’s “Conquest: First Blood” armies or a nice boost to an existing one!
Box Contents
4 Blooded/Braves
4 Slingers/Hunters
1 Predator
9 Infantry Bases
3 Infantry Stands
5 Command Cards
Assembly Instructions
Product Information
Assembly: Required.
Material: Plastic regiments. Plastic Character.
Scale: 38mm
#first #blood #wadrhun #w'adrhun #taster
Box Contents
● 1 Plastic Character Miniature● 1 Infantry Plastic Base● 1 Command Card
Product Information
● Assembly: Required. ● Box size: 10.4x7.4x3.8cm; 114grs● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm
In Game Role
● Battlefield Role: Character● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry
No matter how old and established a noble house is in the hundred kingdoms, none have forgotten the wise adge: "Power flows from the edge of the blade." As a result, all houses, no matter how humble or imposing, can always count on noble scions trained in the art of war to lead their troops. These Noble Lords are trained from youth in the arts of swordsmanship and mounted combat, the wealthiest amongst them even attending the proud War Colleges in Argem. Whatever the specifics, few question that many a noble’s right to command does not derive simply from the blood coursing through their veins. The prestigious martial tradition of the Hundred Kingdoms demands leaders whose men believe in, whose training and experience foster confidence and whose skill demands admiration. A Noble Lord who issues orders can reasonably expect his men to storm the battlement, one that leads from the front knows his men would brave the gates of hell.
“Conquest: First Blood” is a fast-paced Wargame of thrilling Skirmish battles, set in the world of Conquest and designed to provide to the players the opportunity to experience a different type of Conquest combat – but still play a Conquest battle. After all, an entire war can be decided in a single skirmish…
This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the W’adrhŭn and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
Box Contents
1 Predator
4 Blooded/Braves Miniatures
4 Slinger/Hunter Miniatures
13 Infantry Bases
3 Infantry Stands
5 Command Cards
First Blood Paperback Rulebook
Product Information
Assembly: Required.
Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300g
Material: Plastic regiments. Resin Character.
Scale: 38mm